Okay so. Tuesday night I stayed up until 5am to write out some of a damn short story for my homework. I had to get up for uni 3 hours later. But I was surprised in that I didn't get too tired, was completely attentive, and took notes even though the class was dull. Critiqued other students in a group, and I dunno, it all feels pointless when I'd reviewing work by some guy who feels that dialogue such as "Hey man, relax your balls!" contributes to the story.
Wednesday night... I accidentally did the same thing. I didn't expect to, but putting together work where I have to force out ideas is hard! So there I was having to stumble out of bed, 4 hours sleep again, ended up sitting at my desk again to finish my work, part dressed, hair wet, document open, no make-up... and the train leaving in 7 minutes.
And I actually made it.
The whole journey before a tutorial is so nerve-wracking though. I always think they're going to tell me I fail too hard and what was I thinking. And I did get some very serious, probing comments, but overall I guess it wasn't worth being terrified over. She told me to watch a TV series called Madmen because it had a similar theme to what I was going for.
So after we'd been tutorial'd, Chris and Frankie and I hugpiled for moral support and went for lunch at the uni carvery (uni carvery!) and then we had an actual lesson. We talked about writing treatments and we watched Sex and the City (Oh god WHY, turn it off turn it off MY EEYYYEESSS).
Since we'd all been to see her personally, she let us out early, and then Frankie was saying she was disappointed because she'd been awarded free tickets to be in the audience for Harry Hill's TV Burp, but her buddies suddenly couldn't go, plus it's first come first served and the lesson times would've meant she'd get there too late to probably get a seat. But... the session ended early, and there's no way I wouldn't be up for it, so we just went and got on a bus that we VAGUELY THOUGHT went the right way.
Turns out BBC HQ is only 15 minutes away by bus. We got in a queue for the audience entrance that curved all around the outside of the building. Then we got bored and Frankie chose to listen to vintage Sims tracks on my iPod. They separated the queues, because Jonathan Ross was recording his at the same time and we'd all lumped togeter. And we got stickers that told us we were placed 156 in line. We had to shuffle through airport-level security.
BBC is actually a fantastic place to look at. A lot of the time I was remembering how my mum did exactly the same thing, walking into work here 20 years ago. Unlike at the QI recording they left us in a special audience waiting room, which was pretty fantastic. Everyone got two free beers each! I only drank one and that got me dizzy enough. They had a coffee shop counter for drinks and panini and I got a slice of chocolate fudge cake. 9D Also, surprise surprise, a gift shop. I found the DVD of Madmen and since I was told to watch it that morning, and happened to go to the very source to find it, and was a ittle tipsy, I paid the extortionate gift shop price.
Next to the gift shop was a life size model Dalek.
Unfortunately this is the ONLY photo I have of the whole place because I neglected to charge my phone, since I didn't know I'd be coming to this. But there we go. I don't know why it had a button that said "do not press", but I pressed the fuck out of it.
Eventually they called us in by our label numbers from the outside queue and then we were in the studio with the TV Burp set all laid out like a cute living room |3... and guess what, we came in at exactly the right time to start a new seating block, and SAT AT THE VERY FRONT. We got all excited and they tested the lights and the warm-up guy, aww he was lovely, kept us amused until he introduced Harry Hill, who entered walking past about a foot in front of me.
It takes a while to set up, but then the show was going, and they recorded it all the way through in order, only having to stop once or twice. He tends to do stupid things like squirting condiments all over his desk, and instead of saving these for last he just does it and then they pause, and stage hands with towels ready rush over and mop up, then onto the next clip. Hurr. And Harry Hill's great, he doesn't stop being funny when the cameras are off. He sits there singing to himself, making odd noises, or telling endless run-on jokes between takes.
The best thing was probably a sudden over-the-top sequence relating to Leslie Ash. It took three takes to get it right, but the final one was perfect, so we all went wild. Oh and my other favourite, Campest Sigh Of The Week. Ahahahha. If you're in the UK then WATCH IT. :| 7:30 tonight, IVT1. Remember I was in the front row. DO IT.