Nov 23, 2009 06:23
My Grandpa was suposed to have surgery on the 8th but fell instead so it was postponed till the 25th.
The Dr.s will have to turn off his pacemaker/defib device for at least an hour and half up to 3ish hours, put him under heaver anistesia due to the drilling into the side of his skull to fix part of one of his ears. The issue in that ear is due to being of an odd shape causing infections fungus and other problems to grow and occur -- like the falling ballence is off --
This is a difficult and dangerous in a young and healthy person
His Dr.s hope he will wake up from it and have no ill affect from it other than the ear being sore.
Last grandparrent I have b4 I get married and gain AshenFox's I don't want to loose him b4 that event, and would like him healed enough to attend it possible.
Will give updates as am able
Thanks for all suport
Lady PyreFrost