Jan 15, 2008 19:54
" it has been a long road gettin from there to here ....."(theme from Enterprise)
fitting for the time that i havent been doin this thing
and it has been a long road gettin from there to here ..... too much at times and not enough at others and now its just a jumble of memories that are being filed and some are still being made.
cant remember what was goin on the last time i said anything here but to atempt and probably fail horribly at this ...
make things short sweet and to a possible point or at least a rounded nub ....
frineds have come and visited one in particuler has stayed for ... wel till now and will continue to stay with me until i think march-ish
Lyn came home in mid Dec Yea !!!!
Got my new truck in Dec a Dodge Durango 08' 4.7 Liter, V8 magnum 5speed
" Faylah" is her name she has been very good to me and has already had her first ' keying, ding, hard scratch with paint transfer(stupid dodge dealer fix persons) and big dent' and is as of today only a month old to me. WAAAAAA my poor baby no more booboos for you enough already.
went on vacation and still am on vacation for a few more days then will go back home in KS until move back to GOD's blessed land TEXAS in April.
Rt wrist/hand is being treated for carpul tunnel syndrome and will have more tests on it when get back after vacation sucks to have half of your main hand/paw not there and braced all the time to try to get some function out of it.
NOt the best thing to hapen to an artist but hey it could be worse and this is fixable i shall continue to grumble for a while grumble grumble grrrsss hurmph ok ok
moving on have seen frineds and family i havent had chance to see in yrs and such so far and continue to do so and make new ones as well (friends .... no not any lil ones ....yet--though the ummm practice is nice for that ....)
odd things that have made others stop and try to think while laughing themselves blue
some are situation spesific but they will know who they are...
list as follows:
" Good for you"
" Just grab hard and pull"
"broke my happy button"
" Uniboob"
" Bear Litter"
"face full of floor"
" it is green"
well will let u all ponder those and wonder where minds have and havent been ...
laters and dont walk away when you can dance in reverse