- Desktop is still dead. Having to wait until I go back to Auburn this weekend to get an ESD bag from Stephan before I can ship the harddrive off to be replaced.
+ I was looking for my copy of FF13 to try and go back to playing it the other day and found out that I had a copy of Legacy of Kain: Defiance. On top of that, it was the random game case that had been chosen to transport my PS2 memory card when I moved back home. I was a bit surprised since I had to have bought that game 5 or 6 years ago and just never played it.
So I settled down with it for a few nights and managed to best it in maybe 4 nights.
first off, from a game play standpoint it was very, VERY repetitive. Go to this temple, do this small puzzle, imbue the Reaver with X element. All as Raziel. Kain's chapters were very, very short and were much of the same. One Raziel chapter might take me an hour while Kain got his stuff done in about 20 minutes.
That wasn't too bad since the focus of the game was Raziel finding out who he really was.
Story wise, it was "meh". There were times that I forgot why I was in a certain place, doing something because many times it was simply "You need the water Reaver to open the door, oh look, here's a door to the fire temple down the hall so you can go get it!"
That is until you get to the last 5 hours of game play or so.
The story explodes into action as characters from older games come out of the wood works and are badass. I took great pleasure in finally dispatching Turel as Raziel since that rat bastard was one of the ones in support of tossing Raziel in the Abyss waaaay back when.
After Kain and Raziel beat each other senseless a few times because Raziel is paranoid about Kain putting him in the Reaver and Kain is fed up with Raziel's paranoia, Touching Scenes Happen.
The ending left me hollow. Soul Reaver 2 and blood Omen 2 were some of, if not the first games I played on my PS2 when I got it in 2001. I later went back and found a copy of Blood Omen 1 and Soul Reaver 1 on ebay. Sadly, the SR2 disk never worked. I plan to get both of them on the PS3. I was never BIG in the fandom, but I have loved Raziel and Kain for 9 years now.
And then they go and "kill" Raziel by shoving him in the Reaver after all. I was very upset.
+Because I'm getting back into my console gamer ways, I went and picked up a copy of Assassin's Creed, finally. We'll see how that plays out.