Ruining my faith in humanity, this fic.

Oct 07, 2006 09:26

So I put ADiSM on FFnet right before going to bed last night. Pretty sure it's a little too explicit and should be rated MA rather than M, but whatever. As long as the Yuuram fans nobody reports it, it's cool, right?

So I just woke up and the fic already has four reviews.

Some of you may be going, "Four reviews overnight? That's not that big of a deal." It is for me, though. Four reviews is the most any of my fics (in this case "At a Standstill", which has been on FFnet, what, a month and a half? two months?) have gotten on FFnet.


I'm not sure why it bothers me as much as it does. I guess I'm just afraid of becoming known as the ConYuu smut writer. :<


Also THANKS A LOT, morning_songs, for getting me started on D< I don't even want to think about how much time I've wasted this week trying to track down the fics/art that I like.

zomg piru posted writing, fanfic, porn for everyone!

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