My dad sucks. I am no longer going to waste time and space on enumerating the many reasons why though.
The shitty part is that today, mom actually felt compelled to say, "We may have to look into other options, like you staying here a year to work or go to school here before going to CMU."
If something happens to make that come to pass, I am going to renounce all ties to my dad and change my last name. If I can keep myself from jumping off a bridge first.
Whatever. Anyway.
Last day of work was today. It left me strangely cold, but then I was already pretty emotionally fucked up by the time I got there. Anyway, the most important thing is that I shouldn't have to lose the friends I made there just because I'm gone now. I'm hopefully going for dim sum tomorrow with El and Joann, and we're definitely going clubbing next Saturday.
My Albert & Caesar doujin came in yesterday! It is oodles and oodles of love. I really like the artist's way of drawing Albert and it has this wonderfully OOC!Yuber who goes all googly and hearts and tildes over Albert, which makes me giggle. There are also some random appearances by the other Destroyers, Apple, Kidd, and two characters whom I completely fail to identify. I need to hurry up and learn Japanese so I can figure out what exactly all is going on.
I found some direct downloads of Kyou Kara Maou so I no longer have to wait on the piece of shit that is BT. I watched up to Episode 11 today, because I figured it'd make me feel better. Thoughts so far:
* So much love for Conrad. Also, if Conrad = Albert, then Gunther = Gremio. He even acts like it! It cracks me up. Yes, I see Suikoden in everything.
* Wolfram is such a girl. Or, he's an egocentric, immature little boy who has a big-ass attitude to make up for his utter lack of masculinity. NOT IMPRESSED.
* I don't get the Yuuri/Wolfram pairing, which is unfortunate, because it seems to comprise 75% of the KKM fandom, from what I've seen. But, seriously. There's no attraction, no chemistry there. I don't get it.
* Conrad/Yuuri, on the other hand, is love. It's so obvious to me! Conrad is always the first person Yuuri calls out to (and the one who generally always is the first to come rescue him, too). As well as 42768574 other hints. Anyway they are cute and Yuuri needs to hurry up and get unengaged already.
* I was vaguely disappointed at Conrad for flirting with YUURI'S MOM in the taxi cab. SRSLY. This gives a whole new spin to "Your mom!" jokes. -_____-
* Yuuri's mom is amusing. Yuuri himself can be rather airheaded and oblivious at times and it's pretty easy to see where he gets it. >_>
* I did not like Gwendal much until he and Gunther got high together. And the knitting. Oh God. That was wonderful. My opinion of Gwendal immediately went way up. It's like Albert with his baking. "It's not a hobby. It's spiritual cleansing." AHAHA I could almost picture Albert saying something like that.
* I rather like the demon sword.
* WTF @ the pirates and those outfits...
Everything relates back to Suikoden yes yes yes. *SHOT*