Holy Yuletide...!?

Jan 03, 2011 19:53

I was going to do this before the reveal and then thank everyone again afterwards, but I was sick with some sort of stomach flu thing most of last week so I didn't even spend much time online until today. So anyway! Here is my amazing loot from yuletide 2010:

Unforseen Circumstances was my main story, and it was basically exactly what I wanted for this request but was too embarrassed to ask for - a fic written like another episode of Stargate: Universe, complete with most of the cast and even a couple of cameos from SG-1! I love Jack and Daniel, and Rush being totally the way rush is, and Matt and Chloe and their love, and... oh, everything! ♥

Santa's Little Helper was a treat written for me by the same author. A cute little ficlet about Eli providing some holiday cheer for the people aboard Destiny. :) My writer totally spoiled me!

The Meanings of Dreams, by glitterburn, is a gorgeously-written treat for my Chi Bi (Red Cliff) request for Zhuge Liang/Sun Quan slash. I was worried that I was the only one who shipped this pairing, but glitterburn wrote them pretty much exactly as I imagined them: cautious and insecure and avoiding direct confrontation by making their feelings known through letters, and it is wonderful and sexy and perfect!

One Phoenix After Another is yet another treat, for my Nikita (2010) request! I wanted some Michael/Nikita romance going beyond the obvious UST in the show, and I was treated to a beautiful, touching moment between the two of them that almost made me wipe away a tear. The writer perfectly captured their passionate yet doomed relationship, and I'm glad she managed to give this fucked up couple a moment's respite in their chaotic lives.

I R&Red all of those last week, and then I logged onto AO3 today and was confused because suddenly there was yet another story on my gift list...?! Apparently a kind participant fulfilled my long-shot request, which makes this not only the first year I got more than one story, but the first year all 4 of my requests were filled!

Endless Summer, by tangleofthorns, is John Isner/Nicolas Mahut tennis RPF slash based on their epic Wimbledon match this past summer that became the longest tennis match ever played, and it is heart-breaking and heart-warming all at the same time, and oh so hot! Not very explicit, but just enough to satisfy my slashy heart. Heehee!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this awesome set of stories that I didn't even deserve! ♥ I promise to do better next year.

for me?!, zomg yuletide

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