I fail at updating.

Oct 05, 2008 20:36

You know, I'd probably actually have time for more fandom-related stuff this year if I weren't spending all my free time with my boyfriend. Oh well. We *have* been watching the d.gray-man anime, so I am kind of getting refreshed on that and maybe there will be some fic in the future.

In other news, yuletide is starting in the not-so-distant future, as is suikosantaredux! Yay! Here's to hoping that fic exchanges will once again help me to overcome my almost year-long writer's block. >_>

Finally, have a meme.

- Choose a singer/band/group
- Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group

I chose Ayumi Hamasaki!

01. Are you male or female?
"my name's WOMEN"

02. Describe yourself.

03. What do people feel when they're around you?
"Free & Easy"

04. How would you describe your previous relationship?

05. Describe your current relationship.
"is this LOVE?"

06. Where would you want to be now?
"Close to you"

07. How do you feel about love?

08. What's your life like?

09. What would you ask for if you had only one wish?

10. Say something wise.

11. What do you want to do/be in the future?
"walking proud"

12. Describe your home life.

13. What would your last words be?
"no more words"

14. Describe your car.
"It was"

15. Describe your style.
"Real me"

Well, that was silly. Maybe I should've picked someone with slightly more unusual song titles.

procrastination, the one who broke my heart even worse, zomg yuletide, meme, muzak

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