Going to bed at 3:30 AM & having to wake up at 5 AM & two flights in very small, very full planes --> dead tired Piru.
But, I am here! It is a little crazy because everyone is all freaking out about Dean and I'm just like, "HURRICANES? WOT?" Even though I was here for Katrina and Rita, I am a total Pittsburgher now. :x The threat of hurricanes is like, nonexistent to me.
Anyway. Point of this entry: I am in Houston for the week. I'll be around, though I probably won't be posting much. But e-mail works if you absolutely need to contact me or something. Not that I imagine anyone will need to reach me that badly. I realize I am not that important. ;>
michrure -- I got the
heira_eidos e-mails. Give me a day or so to get settled and I'll try to whip up some sort of quick post. Then I'll try to participate in some threads when I get back to the 'burgh, okie? ^_^
All right. I think I'm gonna go take a nap now. ;> SO TIRED OMG.