I heart online TV.

Mar 29, 2007 23:04

1) Squeeage for Lost 2.14 "Expose."
Lost, omg. Buried aliiiiive?! That is so beyond cool. I mean, at the end I was screaming "OH HOLY SHIT, THAT SHIT DID NOT JUST EFFING HAPPEN!!!" and I don't even cuss that much. I hated Nikki and Paolo (thought they were just wastes of space), but I thought the show did an excellent job of tying together all their random little bits for that backstory. Nice backpeddling, show. It was actually rather tasteful. And GAWD, that ending? Gave me chills. That's one of my phobias. What a way to go out for those characters, though, huh? I did feel a bit for Paolo at the end. Way to go, Lost. You might just make me love you again. Keep up these cool episodes!

Also, on the extremely shallow end: mmm, shirtless Josh Halloway. Oooh, I think I'm falling in love with Desmond. And eeeeeeee, BOONE! I actually did flappy hands of joy whilst shrieking his name when he showed up. You may be dead, Boone, but Ian Somerhalder can keep showing up all he wants. The man has freaking gorgeous eyes.

2) Adoration for Bones 2.17 "The Priest in the Churchyard."
Ah, Bones, I do love you. Particularly because I love Booth. (That's the sort of character I like Boreanaz playing: mister snarky average guy. With Angel, the whole brooding just kinda gets to me. That's why I like Angelus better: at least the actor gets to use a bit of charisma without making me feel like it's OOC.) And to get the shallow out of the way: that charcoal pinstriped suit he was wearing early in the ep? Awesome. He looked marvelous. (But perhaps the tenth Doctor has predisposed me to like pinstripes? Hee!) Also? Yaaaay Hodgela. Even if there is trouble in paradise. And Wyatt is finally growing on me. I just pretend he's blowing smoke up people's asses half the time and I find him tolerable.

Anyway, as a Catholic I was gonna have an issue with this show if they went down the pedophile-priest road. Yes, it's happened before. That in no way means it's rampant throughout the Catholic Church. I was extremely pleased that they took the exact opposite route on this one: someone poisoning priests because she suspected them. I thought it was a good commentary on how the hype has really hurt the reputations of a lot of upstanding men of the cloth. Yay, my show. I smish you now, kthxbai.

3) Now I just have to wait for Ugly Betty to be uploaded. *eyes ABC.com hungrily* I need my Henry fix, please.

4) I made some postcards for
spn_secretpost . They got EIGHT comments! *blushes happily* I was so happy people liked them. Seriously, this is the coolest, most supportive fandom I've ever had the privilege to be in.

5) So I have to co-lead my tutorial group meeting on Monday, and my other leader is gonna be out of town all weekend playing rugby. We were supposed to set up a time to meet tomorrow, but she didn't email me back all night. Grrr.

6) I've been awake for thirty-seven hours now. I am sleepy. Chat at y'all tomorrow!

is this normality?, episode review, yo-ho yo-ho the college life for me, i obviously watch too much tv

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