Jan 02, 2007 22:02
3/28/07 - New story published! This time it's crack. I gave up writing normal stories for Lent or something, I guess. Anyway, this little tidbit was inspired when my iTunes decided that have a playlist of nothing but alternative rock and songs played on Supernatural just wasn't gonna cut it, and threw in a little Charlie Daniels Band. Not a songfic, though. I loathe songfics.
Chicken in the Breadpan - The boys spent a long time setting up the trap for the demon. There was locating its favorite spot, figuring out what kind it was, waiting for it to appear...and all for that? God, what a letdown.
2/2/07 - An update was made to Roadhymn. This time the chapter is Dean's POV. Wow. Um, you can totally blame my modern literature class for the weirdness that is this fic.
Roadhymn (9-16) - Features the prompts connection, lull and storm, animal, children, we all float on, chess, duty, and rip.
1/25/07 - New Supernatural story posted. Using the prompt list from the livejournal community 64damn_prompts, I am writing an eight-chapter set of vignettes. They're...kinda depressing, actually. From Sam's POV.
Roadhymn (1-8) - 2am, metaphor, sky, lost scene, degrees, seize the day, opposite, and passions run.
1/11/07 - A new genre of fic has been posted! My first ever Doctor Who fic makes its debut on the site. I love Doctor Who so very, very much. Huzzah for mildly campy British scifi classics! I've only seen the two new seasons, with Nine and Ten, but still. Yayz. So I finally managed to produce a fic for it.
Very Good Luck in This Sort of Situation - The Doctor, Rose Tyler, and Captain Jack Harkness are all being held captive (again), and of course it's all Jack's fault. Still, no problem for a Time Lord, his trusty sidekick Shopgirl, and the universe's handsomest omnisexual conman. Right? Right.
1/2/07 - A whole new year, a whole new update section. Let's watch it grow again, shall we? To start off the new year, I've got a angst/horror Smallville fic that I wrote back in October but lost due to a computer crash. The computer came back, and so did the fic! It's my first fic that even has Lana in it, I think.
Inequitable - She said "I don't know how I could've ever loved you," and it cut him so deep that his innermost thoughts and horrors came pouring out. What sort of man was he? A liar and a fool, a guilt-riddled soul, a murderer. The sort of man who was sorry that he mistook their relationship for love.
Stat breakdown for 2006: 14 stories published (3 Harry Potter, 7 Smallville, 4 Supernatural), 34533 words logged, 199 reviews received. Top receiver of reviews for a single story or chapter was the Supernatural fic "Car Games" with 34. "Car Games" also took the most-favorited win with 32.
12/9/06 - Home for the holidays, and I'm bored out of my skull. Therefore, fanfic! I'm still nuts over Supernatural, but my adoration has proved amorphous--where once I was simply a DeanGirl, I now find myself squeaking over Sam and John, too. Ooh, John. Speaking of him, I wanna write some John/Mary sometime soon. For now you're just going to have to settle with Sam/Jess.
Sleep Wake Hope and Then - A piece set in the Anyone-'verse (that is, an add-on to "When by Now and Tree by Leaf"). Set between the mornings of October 31st and November 1st, 2005. Both Sam and Jess have been having dreams. If only Jess knew just how different Sam's were from her own.
11/13/06 - Homework is killing me, so hopefully I'll be able to concentrate better now that I've slapped this story down on paper. Ack, I hate college! On the plus side, though, I finally managed to use e e cummings in a fic. I feel so complete. And in startling news...I'm losing my grip on being a DeanGirl. I think I'm going BiBro...I can't help liking Sammy more and more. Also? The webpage link above now goes to my LJ!
When by Now and Tree by Leaf - (she laughed his joy she cried his grief) Jess was his anchor on normality. A look at the relationship between Sam and Jess, through both the good times and the bad. A collection of snapshots from almost-the-beginning to almost-the-end.
11/2/06 - Supernatural has eaten my braaaaaiiiiin... Because, really, who doesn't love a show about two gorgeous demon-hunting brothers with more emotional baggage than the rest of the CW casts combined? Uh-huh, that's what I thought. So, like all my new little playthings, I wrote fanfic for SPN!
Car Games - Surely you don't expect Sam and Dean to spend those countless hours on the road just listening to awesome music or having Meaningful Conversations, do you? No, of course not. Here are five games the boys play to fend off road hypnosis. Mostly humor, but a sneaky chick-flick at the end.
10/4/06 - God, could I get any more lame? My latest story is just so...dorky. Even for me. By the way, the feedback on "Jimmy Olsen Must Die!" was wonderful (and honestly, waaaay more than I expected)! Thank you so much to everyone who liked my Grumpy-Inner-Monologue!Clark. Without further ado, here is the latest "what the...?" story in my collection.
Foreshadowing - Ooh, the title sounds all deep, no? Well it certainly is! This is the tale of a young Clark fighting his first battle against on of his most formidable of foes: the revolving door at the entrance to the Daily Planet. Drama! Angst! Spilt cream! The attempt to be funny! Oh, yeah, and Chloe tags along too.
9/30/06 - Smallville's back on the air! Whoohoo! Since I'm now caught up (I convinced my mother to shell out the money for seasons 4 and 5), I can get to writing more current-era fics. To start me off in that respect is a completely odd little fic that I wrote in one sitting. It was inspired through multiple viewings of the last scene in the Daily Planet. (Thank God for VCRs!) I had fun writing it, even though it is OOC and fairly pointless. Heh.
Jimmy Olsen Must Die! - What goes on in the mind of Clark Kent? Nobody's entirely certain, but we can make a few guesses. A humorous take on Clark's reaction to meeting Jimmy for the first time while Chloe basically blew him off. Set during Episode 6.1 - "Zod" and contains minor spoilers.
9/26/06 - Well, if you can say anything good for Smallville, it's that it has inspired me to write. A lot. Another new one-shot has been produced! It's romantic, but not necessarily fluffy. And of course it centers on my favorite couple (Chlark) in my favorite AU situation (Chlois). I really just write what I myself would like to read.
Secrets - There are surprises surrounding her: things she likes to hear, actions that make her happy, ways she likes to be touched. She would never tell him these things aloud...they're little secrets for him to discover on his own. Never before has he loved secrets so much.
9/25/06 - Heehee, new update for Dictionary. I really like that series.
Dictionary (Vim) - Everybody has their off days. Some people just have their off days when it's been overcast for half the week straight and the reserve energy stored in their solar battery of a body has been almost completely depleted. Yeah. Of course. And having a wife who kicks you out of bed is lovely, too.
9/19/06 - Whoa, has it really been two weeks since my last update? Doesn't feel like that long ago... Anyway, an update was made on "Dictionary." I had an idea for a story I wanted to write for that, and went looking for a word that matched my idea. I found another word instead that really fired up my imagination. Heh... This collection's now rated T for Teen...
Dictionary (Tryst) - Sometimes work can be a struggle--long, tedious, unfulfilling... Sometimes you just need a little pick-me-up to get that spark back in your day. And sometimes coffee just won't cut it.
9/5/06 - Here's that other story I wrote on the third. It's more fluffy Chlark, of course. It's a futurefic again, set approximately at the same time "Late Night Conversations Never Make Sense" is. Wow, I had fun with this one. Not to mention I love the song that was the pseudo-inspiration, "Jimmy Olsen's Blues" by The Spin Doctors. Also, a new chapter-fic started! Not a continuing storyline, though. Just a collection of futurefic Chlark/Chlois vignettes.
Telephone Booth - Chloe didn't know they still even had these things around...but the discovery puts her in the mood to try a little something out! Poor Clark will never think of telephone booths the same way again. Very cheesy.
Dictionary (Aegis) - Perry White is on a manhunt, and God help any tall, mild-mannered, thoroughly unsuspecting reporter who accidentally steps into his sights... Oh, and that whole being late for work again thing doesn't help, either.
9/4/06 - Wow, when the bug bites, it bites hard. Working on a SV fic last night, I accidentally started and completed two others! I'll post one today and one tomorrow, along with the hopefully completed first chapter of the original one I was trying to write. Ah, I'm such a Chloe/Chlark fan. Clark Kent needs Chloe. He just won't admit it.
Late Night Conversations Never Make Sense - A futurefic involving a married Chloe and Clark. Chloe's exhausted, and even her keen journalistic mind can't function properly after 78 waking hours. Written trying to be humorous, this fic is so fluffy I nearly smothered while writing it.
8/29/06 - Sheesh, where have I been? Watching Smallville, that's where. I'm only on Season 3, though, so it's killing me seeing all this fanfiction and not knowing about incidents being refered to. Oh well. And the muse bug has bitten! So no HP or YYH updates...just SV. Sorry!
As You Wish - Chloe's always had fantasies; now she's trying to get Clark to reenact one of them. Problem is, Clark hasn't ever read The Princess Bride, so he has no idea what this whole "Farm Boy" bit is about. Will reading it give him a new perspective? Or is he really as thick as Buttercup?
4/10/06 - Update, update! "AIMPIS" was given a new chapter! Lalalaaaa!
And In My Pain, I Saw (Chapter 2) - Fenrir has accepted his lycanthropy, and now it is time to build his army. But recruiting isn't as easy as he had always imagined...and the catch isn't always a prize.
3/4/06 - Ah, sorry for the lapse. Death in the family. Anyway, I'm back with a new one-shot. I really wish ff.net's genres weren't so...strictly defined. I had to label the new fic "Angst/Romance," but I don't think that really fits very well. Oh well. C'est la vie.
And...what? What? Ohmigod, I've actually updated "The Origins of Snuffles"! It's actually happened! After a year of hibernation, the story's alive once more! Yaaay! Eat your hearts out, all 12 of you who have alerts set for that story! Whoo! (happy dances!)
The Origins of Snuffles (Chapter 4) - Sirius must avoid the wrath of James, and we all know that's the second hardest thing in the world to do. The first is to convince a woman that she's wrong, but only slightly less impossible is to outrun the fury of an irate Potter! Cackling, Snape, and magenta fur ensues!
Ungood - Remus's (very slightly drunk) musings on life and Tonks. Kinda the antithesis of "Self," this story is in no way sappy. I'm really hoping for some feedback on this one, because I'm trying to improve my style in this area.
2/7/06 - For the fourth day in a row I find myself horribly ill... Ick. Well, I spent my sick time writing a new story for you. It wasn't going to be part of Update-Palooza, but oh well. It's a bonus! I don't expect it to be popular. It's quite frankly a little boring. Still working on tOoS.
The Minister's Newspaper - Ah, remember when Fudge was recalling how Sirius asked for his newspaper just before he escaped Azkaban? Well, here's my version of events. It was fun to write. Did you know Fudge doesn't get his own "Character:" tab? I tried to label this fic under him as well as Sirius, but ff.net doesn't have one for him! Poor little green-bowler man.
2/6/06 - Boy, that's discouraging. Not a single review on either of my new stories... That's the first time that's happened on a Harry Potter fic. Guess that means I've got improvement to do. Anyway, I'm going to try to have a tOoS update later today. There would've been one yesterday, but ff.net was being a putz...
2/4/06 - And so it begins! The months of February and March are the home for Pyrebi's Update-Palooza! I will be doing at least eight updates at various times these months, and hopefully will be posting a new chapter for each one of my HP chapter fics and "Kagura!". Today's updates are:
An Unusual Predicament (Chapter 2) - Chapter two features Sirius finding out about Lily's odd little notion. In true Sirius fashion, instead of dismissing it, he actually helps promote it! This can mean nothing good for Remus...
Stockton Gala Days - A new fic featuring James and Lily. A happy fic to go with all of the depressing new ones that'll be coming up soon. I can't really describe it without making it cound cliched and stupid, but it's about how the two fall in love. It's set over the summer between sixth and seventh years. I'm very pleased with how it's turning out. I'd love for someone to give it a once-over and tell me what needs to be improved, though.
Also, I find myself wondering how many people actually read this... Not many, I'm willing to bet.
1/9/06 -A whole new year, a whole new update section. Stay tuned, readers...something big is coming. (I feel bad for people who have me on Author Alert.)