jesus, pyrebi. such a shipper these days.

May 25, 2010 18:11

Let's recap my ships of the moment:

I am going to create a Dean/Castiel fanmix. The first two songs on it will be Air Supply's "Making Love Out of Nothing At All" and Erasure's "Always." As I find other traumatizingly cheesy songs, I will add them. It will become my playlist for every crack story ever. (I am not sure why I am so convinced that their EPIC LOVE STORY is hilarious. They're both such dense bastards. Castiel's cold and Dean's ragey and both of them are kind of horrible and uncaring people to those around them, including each other. And yet I'm willing to overlook that, and the way that, although they seem to like each other in some sort of moderate way, there's nothing actually shippy about them other than the writers poking fun at the fanbase.  I don't know. I don't know. My logical mind is going "what? no. stop that, you're being stupid" at me, and then my fandom mind is being all "AHAHAHAHAHA DEAN/CAS 4EVA," and the latter's more fun, so. Plus, the DEEP DARK ANGST of their on-screen relationship annoys the hell outta me, so it's amusing to me to think of all of that ~drama~ carrying over to a romance.)

Transition note: I feel bad for enjoying both Dean/Cas and Jimmy/Amelia.

So, the set-the-mood playlist I'm amassing to help me write the big hunter!Amelia/Jimmy fic for my het exchange assignment already contains three songs with "wolf" or "wolves" in their titles. This brings up two thoughts for me: a) wtf, self? what do wolves have to do with anything? and b) ...I have that many songs that talk about wolves? This whole thing makes no fucking sense to me. EDIT: Oh, I've just listened to them all again, and no, there's definitely a connection. In each song, the aforementioned wolves relate to angels in my head. (They are, by the way, "You're A Wolf" by Sea Wolf, "Wolves" by Josh Ritter, and "we are gods! we are wolves!" by Le Loup.)

No, shut up, this is hilarious. I don't even understand it. It's like this little subset of Dean/Cas shippers decided that if Dean got an angel boyfriend, Sammy should too. But the fics are delicious, and it's just my kind of awkward tongue-in-cheek romance.

Please see above, re: Sam/Gabriel. Plus, the girls who are producing this stuff are funny as hell. I also kinda blame by involvement with ontd_spnparty  for making me chortle at the thought of this ship.

This is my own fault and I've whined about it enough. I just need to finish the damn fic so I can have it outta my head and it can be stillborn like any good ill-conceived monstrosity.

Or, my only angst ship of the moment. I really liked this, too, before her wtf-reappearance in 5.17. It was, like, my canon-compliant happy ending ship. Now, I just feel like Dean's going to tear her apart. Nobody takes in a broken dude with more issues than an entire therapy group and is happy about it. I can't help but feel that he'll break her somehow, and she's gonna need to get rid of him, and then he'll be even more disillusioned, and AUGH. Fucking Show! WHY IS NO ONE EVER ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY?

-deep breath- Anyhow. Too many pairings. This summer is gonna be weird. I've never had so many currently-running ships. Usually it's just one at a time (Remus/Tonks, Chloe/Clark, Sam/Jess). So, uh. Yay SPN?

tag-happy, oh fine castiel can have his own tag, gabester thinks this is a snap, will no one think of the novaks?, random shit, shut up already, glorious phallic obsession, hey let's write about minor characters!, fluttery wings and horny things, dean/castiel: two assholes in love, get to work pyrebi, i gots me some tunes!, fic-related, pyrebi loves her het, fandom is amazing, that show with the brothers and the car, writing is hard

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