i'm never gonna make it withooooout you~

Apr 19, 2010 04:25

(I have so much work to do, and all I wanna do is write fic. So I'm going to write this instead to soothe the urge until I can actually get some more time into my schedule.)

Can I just say the response to This Story Needs More Power Ballads is ridiculous? I am floored. -shakes head- And also that title was not just nonsense (although at 6:30am it was a lot that, too)--I have decided that my personal Dean/Castiel anthem is Air Supply's "Making Love Out Of Nothing At All." Yes. I hope that this will tell you everything you need to know about my take on the Dean/Cas ship. (Shorthand: earnest and corny and hilarious and embarrassingly addictive.) I do not even care that they are canonically harsh people. I can write fluff for the first time in forever, and it's fuckin' liberating. Thank you, Show.

Speaking of Dean/Castiel. I, uh, noticed there are definitely undertones of it in my big depressing hunter!Amelia fic that I didn't intentionally put there. I can't tell if I'm picking up Show's vibe of their relationship or if my shipper self is rearing its ugly head. Either way, I'm sorry, Amelia.

Also I might find myself writing Gabriel/Sam soon. -facepalm- But I feel like I'm jumping on that ship a little late, and that Gabe might be back soon and joss everything to hell, so first I'm gonna watch at least the next couple of eps. Then I might just have to try my hand at it, because I've been reading SO MANY awesome Gabe fics lately that I'm practically buzzing with love. Plus, Sam. Now that Show's being nice to him again and allowing him to act like an adult and not making him out to be some sort of monster (I'm sorry they were mean to you, behbeh Sammeh), I've found myself seriously interested in writing him more. I used to love writing Sam, but s3 and s4 kinda crushed that. Now, with 5.18, I'm practically foaming to get my paws back on his psyche. I missed that sasquatch. I'm tired of the Dean Angst Show. I liked Dean when he was the rough-and-tumble average Joe trying to hold things together for everybody else. Lately all he's doing to sobbing about his inner demons, and it's not compelling anymore. I swear to god he used to be clever. Not smart, maybe, but clever. What happened to that?

ANYWAY. Work now. Fic later. Bemused pleasure continually.

philosophy on stupid things, tag-happy, glorious phallic obsession, i love you people, fluttery wings and horny things, dean/castiel: two assholes in love, fic-related, get to work pyrebi, will no one think of the novaks?, yo-ho yo-ho the college life for me, fandom is amazing, that show with the brothers and the car, writing is hard

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