Apparently there has been too much Dean/Castiel in my life.

Feb 25, 2010 20:42

Because last night I had a dream wherein Castiel was eating tuna salad on pita bread (something I have never had in my life, so I have no idea why) which he had prepared himself, and Sam and Dean walked in and Castiel was all, "Have some tuna. -batman voice- It is very good." And it looked healthy enough that Sam didn't balk, so he had some. Dean was a little grossed out, but Castiel had made it, so he had some anyway. And then there were deep longing looks over the tuna salad, which Sam pointedly ignored.

There may or may not have been tuna-preluded gay sex after that, I can't recall. But then this whole thing turned out to be a YouTube clip from some future episode, and I remember the comments being absolutely hilarious.

So. Um. -shrugs- I like how my subconscious tried to make Dean/Castiel canon. But with tuna fish.

No, shut up, you totally needed to know this.

(Postscript - Hey, unreckless. They were eating the tuna off one of your square blue plates. I was all "heeeey.")

oh fine castiel can have his own tag, glorious phallic obsession, my subconscious is so weird, that show with the brothers and the car, fluttery wings and horny things, dean/castiel: two assholes in love

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