Supernatural 3.14 - Long Distance Call (Meh.)

May 01, 2008 22:31

So, who else was having severe first-season flashbacks during that episode? Count them with me!

  • Lameish MotW!
  • MotW with a name we've pretty much never heard of!
  • John giving cryptic messages via phone!
  • The boys split up!
  • The boys save a little kid from imminent death in a suitably spectacular fashion!
  • Sam's too-short fuck-ugly brown Carhartt of doom!

So, just...yeah. 'Twas alright. Sam was creepy as shit when he was talking to that girl, by the way. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be comforting or whatever, but if somebody like Sam ever started speaking like that to me, I'd get the hell out of Dodge--that guy will flay me alive and eat pieces of my skin while I'm forced to watch.


And I don't know what's with the show lately, but the gore is not my friend. I was squealing and hiding my face during parts of this ep, and I'm kinda tired of doing that. I want chills, not nails jammed through people's heads. That's not an adequate substitute for good scares, guys.

I was thrilled, however, to have a monster that wasn't a demon or a vampire--it's so good to have something new! That's what I'm talking about!

And I got the most wicked fic idea from some of those conversations, too. Heh.

I'm gonna hafta rewatch the ep--I missed a goodly chunk because I was in the mail office when it was on. But I shall be happy too; it seems I've missed several choice lines that everybody else loves.

And one more thing: while it was awesome to experience any bit of Jeffrey Dean Morgan tonight, I really got the feeling that his performance was just sorta...phoned in, ya know? Ba-dum-bum-pissshhhh! xD *shot*

rawr, episode review, i sold my soul to john winchester, that show with the brothers and the car, squeeeee!, jdm

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