
Apr 10, 2008 01:07

Okay, this means nothing to anybody but me. All the same, I have to write it down so I don't forget.

Tonight was the Josh Ritter/Hilary Hahn concert on campus. I've had my tickets for months because, hello, Josh Ritter. Josh-friggin'-Ritter. In my podunk Appalachian town. (Why yes, I did in fact die a little bit when I saw his touring schedule.) My sister, who's also a fan of his music, was supposed to go with me. We were going to sit in row 15 and squee silently over the deliriously awesome impossibility of it all.

Cue EV going "I have dress rehearsal that night. I can't go," a few weeks before the concert.

Cue me having a total meltdown.

Thus, I did the stupidest possible thing--I asked my mother if she'd like to go instead. Mom, darling that she is (and knowing that I was obviously under the influence of something to be asking her), promptly suggested a laundry list of people that I should ask instead of her. But I stuck to my choice--Mom was going with me. (I don't think she'd heard more than two Josh Ritter songs in her life before tonight, by the way.) I don't get many opportunities to do stuff with just my ma. So, even though she's not really into that kinda music, and it was a work night, I really wanted her to come. And she obliged.

So! Concert. It was fairly awesome. The first half was just Josh, by himself, with nothing but an acoustic guitar. Hilary joined him on violin for a couple songs, which was totally sweet. He did "Girl in the War," "Thin Blue Flame," "The Temptation of Adam," and "Kathleen," four of my all-time favorites--among others, of course. The second half was Hilary by herself doing a bunch of classical; I apologize for not having specifics, I'm not too much of a classic violin buff. Anyway, it was pretty much the highpoint of my month. The only thing I wanted him to sing that wasn't on the program was "Bone of Song"--I saw a YouTube video of the two of them performing it at a concert last year and it was fantastic. So, after the performances were over and we were standing and clapping, they both came back on stage...and guess what the encore was? *dies* Happiest. Beth. Ever.

Now, here's where things get a bit complicated. I am not embarrassed by my mother. She's one of the very best people I know, and I love her more than anything. That, however, doesn't mean I'm not...occasionally...mortified by what she does. Because she's not fresh out of teenagerhood, which means: all of those stupid social hangups that I'm still getting over? Yeah, she totally doesn't have those. Go Mom. I, on the other hand, am awkward to a fault. I can't stand meeting people I like or admire. I pretty much freak out, because it's one thing to fangirl in private but another totally to be all, "Hey, Josh Ritter! I love your music, and it makes me insanely happy every time I listen to it! Thank you for making my life just that much brighter!" I just...can't. I'm so shy it's like a physical pain. And no matter how much I kinda want to meet him, it's not worth the agony.

That's the backstory. The next few minutes went something like this:

Mom: Ooh, they're signing programs afterwards! Wanna get your program signed?
Me: Absolutely not.
Mom: Aw, really? Reeeally?
Me: Mom. Honestly. What, in our twenty years of knowing each other, would ever make you think I'd want that?
Mom: You're no fun. I'm gonna. I'm going to have him sign my program for EV. Give me yours; you can go hide.
Me: Nnngh.
*house lights come on; Mom totally books getting from our seats to the lobby and we end up fourth in line*
Mom&Me: *idle chatter about how I'm a total wuss*
Josh Ritter: *appears*
Mom: Look, Beth! There he is!
Me: ... *looking anywhere but at him*
Mom: Isn't this exciting?
Me: *looking for exit--trapped by crowd and large open (very obvious) space* Nnngh.
Josh Ritter: *suddenly appears next to us* Hi!
Me: !!!
Mom: Hi! We wanted to get these signed.
Josh Ritter: Awesome! What are your names?
Mom: One for Beth, and one for EV. Great concert, by the way. You were awesome.
Me: ...
Josh Ritter: Thanks, it's great that you came out! I never get to play in nice halls like this. It's cool. But so, so quiet. Weird. ...Are you Beth?
Mom: Nope. *pointed look*
Me: ...! *panicked* I'mBeth.
Josh Ritter: Hey! *handshake*
Me: Hiit'sgreattomeetyou.
Josh Ritter: You too! Are you a student here?
Me: YeahI'masophomore. *Survival Technique #47: Deflection* Thisismymombytheway.
Josh Ritter: *turns* So you're EV?
Mom: Me? Naw. I'm just the fill-in. EV's in a dress rehearsal for her play and couldn't be here.
Josh Ritter: Ooh, what play?
Mom: Footloose the Musical. She's the preacher's wife.
Josh Ritter: Playing a sort of villain. Nice. *laughs* You know, I once met Kevin Bacon.
Mom: Hey, that makes you zero degrees from Kevin Bacon!
Josh Ritter: It does! I'm zero degrees from Kevin Bacon! *obviously enjoying that*
Me: *supremely weirded out; loose grasp on composure rapidly slipping*
Mom: *reaches into purse and produces pen* Here. You look like you're having trouble.
Josh Ritter: Hmm? *has been using standard Sharpie*
Mom: With the cap. Try this--it's a clickie Sharpie. Really easy to use. (Mom's a relatively well-known doll artist and does signings often. Hence the pen.)
Josh Ritter: Whoa, cool. But I don't wanna take your pen...
Mom: I have two others just like it.
Josh Ritter: *doesn't have to be told twice* Sweet! It's so nice, it's like a dowry or something!
Me: She'shandylikethat. *waits for the earth to open up and swallow her*
Earth: *doesn't oblige*
Josh Ritter: *clickyclicky*
Mom: *beams*
Josh Ritter: Here are your programs! Thank you! *hugs Mom*
Mom: Aw, it was my pleasure!
Me: *ohnonononono...*
Josh Ritter: I'm so glad you came out! *hugs me*
Me: !!!
Mom: *can tell I'm about to freak out* Well, I've gotta get home! It's almost eleven! Bye!
Josh Ritter: Bye! Say hi to EV!
Me: Wewill. Thanksagain, mademynight.
Josh Ritter: *grins* No problem! Have a great night! *waves*
Mom&Me: You too! Byyyyye! *flee*
Josh Ritter: *as we're already out the door* Byyye!
Mom: Take deep breaths. Now wasn't that nice?
Me: Thatwastheworstexperienceofmylife.
Mom: You lie. You loved that and you know it. Except for maybe the hug.
Me: GodIhatehugssomuch. Also,IthinkI'mabouttohaveaheartattack.
Mom: Aw, look what he wrote for EV! "EV, good luck with Footloose! Love, Josh Ritter."
Me: She'sgonnalovethat.
Mom: Oh no, we forgot to get Hilary Hahn's autograph!
Mom&Me: *beat* ...Oh well!
*a few minutes later, almost back to the car*
Me: Um,doesmyvoicesoundfunny?
Mom: *bursts out laughing*

So that was that. I made a complete idiot out of myself (just like I knew was gonna happen), but I got to see, listen to, speak to, and (unwillingly) hug one of my folk idols. Which, y'know, awesome. And he was so nice and it's really true about him smiling all the time (he has the best grin, by the way--it only uses one side of his mouth; it's odd the things you notice when you're desperately trying not to pass out from sheer nerves) and if he noticed that I was a total freak he was way cool about it.

And, had I been with anyone else, they'd have listened to me when I said I didn't want to meet him. I'd have been content with just seeing him perform and going "wow, he sounds even better live." I'd have gone home early and saved myself several years' worth of heartbeats. And I'd have totally missed out.

So, um, thanks, Mom. Really.


i gots me some tunes!, is this normality?, yo-ho yo-ho the college life for me, squeeeee!, the ohio clan

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