Traa-laa-laa! /o/

May 24, 2007 12:31

1. Hmmm. Did anyone ever read the "Captain Underpants" books? *points at title of post* I had forgotten all about those 'til just now. Hee.

2. My father (who has never seen a full episode of Supernatural in his life) seems to have taking a liking to it somehow. Perhaps it's the fact that his alternative-rock/adult-pop-loving daughters suddenly were asking him to find some Jefferson Airplane and CCR for them. Perhaps it's that they developed an interest in classic cars. Or perhaps they just talked his ear off about it. You want proof?

a. My father has now started searching obsessively for a four-door '67 Chevy Impala. This was originally at my sister's insistence, but now he's looking on his own. He even took my mother on a several-hour drive into another state to go check out one a guy was selling.

b. My father, my sister, and I were driving to Dayton for the annual Hamvention when we stopped at a gas station at the ass-crack of dawn to get some coffee. EV was asleep, so Dad and I went into the store. We then had the following conversation.

Me: Ooh, cappuccino! And they have macadamia-flavored syrup to put in it!
Dad: That sounds delicious. *rolling eyes*
Me: *about to make a smart-aleck comeback, then spotting something* MINI MARSHMALLOWS! Eeeee! *proceeds to dump about about half the container into coffee cup*
Dad: *wanders away*
Me: *dances on over to him, swirling cappuccino* I'm so happy. I don't think I could be any happier.
Dad: *nonchalantly* Oh? What if John Winchester was in line in front of us?
Me: *has to pick up jaw from floor* Well, um, yeah...that'd...that'd do it, I guess...
Dad: Uh-huh.

c. We just got a new puppy. Awww, isn't she cute?

Mom's holding her. Anyway, the family was trying to come up with a name for her. EV (who the puppy technically belongs to, as EV's birthday was the excuse for getting her in the first place) wanted to give her a boy's name (because she's so rambunctious) and suggested Charlie...Max...Sammy... Dad's suggestion? "Why don't you just name her Winchester?" So we did. Guys, meet Winnie. I'm totally calling her Sam, though.

So you see? My dad = totally Supernatural obsession. No, I don't understand it either. But I like it! >D

3. Went and saw Spider-Man 3.

It was pretty good. Lots of action, lots of angst, but I swear to god, Peter Parker is the whiniest, sissiest superhero EVER. He cried like, nine times or something over the course of a three-hour movie. And? What was with the random dancing scene? It totally threw me back to the old '40s movies that had scenes that left you going "What the hell was that for? Padding?" Plus, Spiderman had emo bangs! It's like a sickness! A plague, sweeping the nation! Hee! On the "argh" side, why did Harry have to die? I liiiiked him... *sniffle * At least he got redemption at the end. Better than his old man ever was.

But the movie totally confirmed my unholy love for Topher Grace. I liked him in That '70s Show, liked him more in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!, and adored him as Venom in the movie. Totally psychopathic and evil and awesomesauce. Yes, please, Topher Grace, get more movie roles. I will come see you.

is this normality?, i sold my soul to john winchester, pyrebi goes to the movies, that show with the brothers and the car, the ohio clan, i obviously watch too much tv

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