Behind the times as always...

Mar 06, 2008 10:17

The Rules
1. Leave me a casual comment of no particular significance, like a lyric to your current favorite song, or your favorite kind of sandwich, maybe your favorite game. Any remark, meaningless or not.
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in your own post.
5. When others respond with a desultory comment, you will ask them five questions

To kurgan_lyonesse

1. how and where did you meet your wife?

In college, senior year. Well, junior year actually, but she had a boyfriend at the time, which of course sucked for me. Skip ahead to the start of senior year, when said boyfriend is out of the picture. My roommate had forgotten dinner plans with her and her roommate because he and I had been involved in a rousing game of Atari. They came over to see what had become of him, and while my roommate and her roommate, both engineers, struggled their way through elementary math games on the atari, we talked, played a game of chess and here we are.

2. what moment in history would you love to be a fly on the wall for?

Oh so many choices...I think I'd like to be there on that day in 1066, as Harold Goodwinson sat applauding himself for his victory over the invading vikings, just to see the look on his face when his messenger brought the news that William of Normandy had just landed on the shores of England.

3. you are give the task of changing or creating one law of the universe, what is it?

All creatures, animal and man, should be able to communicate with one another. I think it would make life a whole lot more interesting.

4. undead friend or foe? why?

Zombies...bad. All they seem to do is shuffle and feed. Very tiresome. Vampires are a different story...eternal life is a very intriguing proposition.

5. what does green taste like?

Recycled paper

To mercurtio247

1) We are in the alternate D&D world we all day-dream about being in. What's your Character class, and what's your profession? Preferred weapons?

Barbarian, Fighter and some type of Axe, preferably big and two-handed.

2) Do you stop for stranded motorists (given the chance)?

While I think that I should, I must confess that I do not. Ever since I watched the film "Henry: Portrait of Serial Killer" I have been paranoid about stopping. In the movie, Henry and his accomplice pose as broken down motorists under an over pass and when someone stops, they shoot him. Very unsettling.

3) What gave you the Idea for your LJ Name?

Pirates of Penzance. It is, it is a glorious thing...

4) ZOMBIE ATTACK! What's the first place you head for and why?

I think that I would bunker down at home. Its a location I know inside and out, and although I'm lacking firearms, I do have the bow and arrow and host of melee weapons at my fingertips. Plus if we needed food, I think the Quik-Chek is a close enough that I could fight my way there, grab what I need and get back.

5) Describe your Arch-Nemissis, given that you're a comic book hero (revese situation acceptable)

I'd definitely want someone with whom I could match wits, like Moriarty to Sherlock Holmes. The kind of villain that, while you hated for their atrocities, you still respected for their cunning. I think every hero has that one enemy that although they are continually thwarting or being thwarted by, there would be an empty spot if they didn't exist. Batman has his joker, superman his lex luthor. Basically, my ideal nemesis would be someone with whom a battle would be less like a melee and more like a good game of chess.
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