Hello everyone,
I have a very serious declaration to make:
Do you remember when "Claire" hacked into my LJ last year and wrote a post declaring my gay-ness?
And you soon all discovered that it was a cruel and unusual joke, and that I am not, in fact, gay?
I can't take it any longer. I simply must tell you the real truth... Again.
I was the one who wrote the post - that honest to god/truthfulpost. Shut your gaping mouth and believe it!!
Yes, I was so tired of concealing my honest and beautiful nature, especially from my best friends, and I simply couldn't continue living my life as a vicious lie! So I came out of the closet like a fierce lion exits his lair at the end of a long, cold winter of hibernation. But then ... then Brian was the only one to support me; he was the only true friend... so in a bout of overwhelming hindsight regret, I blamed the post on Claire, so as to conceal my hasty declaration. I decided I couldn't bear it if you guys saw me differently, just because of my sexual orientation.
But now I dont care. I'm gay and I love it and I love me and I love GAY!! I'm free as a bird, and happy as a lark, which is also a bird!
This is me, take it or leave it.
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I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay! And I'm freeeee!
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-♥- Barrett