(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 01:05

Dear Amphibians,

Hello, and welcome! I am a lookin and I am a seein. I am a bein and I was a drinkin. Literally, I ask you [vehemently], who doesn't kk-now morse code??? Dude, it's 1:11 right now [2:11 in knoxtown, sorry, maybe next time [time as in day [tomorrow]]]. NNNoooyyyyssseee! Literally, look at me! I mean, seriously. I went to a meeting of the philosophically minded people tonight at some guy's apartment. It was quite a delight. We discussed [casually] wether or not we are learning anything in school. I enjoy when and that I say "a lot bit". "You got one satisfiable penis" -Anonymous [wink wink]
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