University is difficult. My course requirements include bloging, taking photographs and writing creatively. Yes, I actually find that incredibly difficult. I shouldn't, I really shouldn't. Not when my room mate is carrying around four huge textbooks on anatomy and whatever else is involved in medical science.
Blogging I find particularly difficult. This blog is evidence of my fail-ness with words, and ability to const them into co-hesive and engaging posts. It's something that really relies on your level of self-consciousness. If you're self conscious about what you write then you really won't end up writing much. Perhap's I'm just a visual person, I like my posts to be filled with pictures, it gives them a greater purpose I suppose. I think that maybe, the pictures I post give a greater insight into what I'm thinking than the words I write. That's really deep. I didn't intend for this post to get profound in anyway. The topic of blogging also lead me to remember that I do in fact have a live journal account, so that is why I am here.
I'm incredibly out of practice when it comes to writing, which is a bit of a shame since I have a 1000 word project due on the 24th. The main problem is I have little idea of what to write about, and what little idea that I do probably not a good idea. I'm stuck on it, but it doesn't go anywhere. I have the visual of Marcel's porch, the overgrown garden, the moment where the police show up to rescue Tim and (
hangemhighmuch's) Ryland. But this is not a Tim and Ryland scenario. This is one about James, the unformed and one dimensional character. He's murdered someone. Who knows why, or how, or yet again why. I don't want to be stuck on this idea.
I probably should have written that in my writing journal, the one I've been encouraged to keep, the one that is a $2.95 note book I bought between classes. Mmm....yes, it's so empty right now. I decided that I have 1 week to fill it, then I must start writing. I'm so stuck for any ideas that don't revolve around James Archer De'Leen. Even Tim's melodramatic life story can't help me out of this one. I need to stop talking about these characters before I start sounding like a crazy lady.
Speaking of characters: the one thing that's been really great about my current situation is that I've been drawing. Which I'm going to post here, because I'm an egotistical tool. <3
Tim. As always. Freaking big image. I'm sorry. x_x
(taken with camera, edited in photoshop.)
Character sketches, aka, trying to teach myself to draw anatomy again.
(taken with a camera, one of the more salvagable images.)
This post is is probably the most I have ever posted online. huh.
Xero out.
PS: Dear Diary, I looked him up on facebook today. He's totally as beautiful as ever, and sadly, still gay as ever. -sadface-