Jun 22, 2007 13:26
School is over. This was the way it was since Wednesday. I even ripped up my Exam scheduel when I got home. xD And yet, I still went to school today. xD Was fun. Waited for my friend Jeff to do his exam while playing with a string - which I still didn't give back. I forgot. Was playing with it on the bus. >.< Anywho, during this time spent doing nothing at school (there's no classes, so nothing AT ALL was going on except that exam that I didn't need to do) I had a pokemon battle with Eric. On the blackboard. It was so... weird. Weird isn't even the word for it. xD I love my friends. Yep, so mine was Spotmon, a wild pokemon - 'cause I couldn't draw a trainer - and Eric's was Picky. And we battled. Yep. xD
Then, when Jeff was done, we went outside. We must have spent fourty minutes trying to figure out if we were gonna do anything or not. We wanted to go to the mall, but I didn't have a lift. Wanted to go to Eric's house, and I had the same problem. Wanted to go to /my/ house, and Jeff didn't have a lift. Plus Mathieu and Zoe would've been kinda left out... And Miguel, unless we came here. But Jeff didn't have a ride. xD So I just took the bus home.
*is working on Ch.5 of story. <.<*
That's all I have to report.