Without further delay:
Um, I hope I got all these right - let me know if I made any mistakes. ;D
nicole_anell wrote Beginnings
gracent_dic wrote Through Each Moment
beyondrubicon wrote Can't Start a Fire Without a Spark
rose_griffes wrote Rukus
deborah_judge wrote A Map Inside
scifiaddict86 wrote Dinner's Ready
lyssie wrote Transference Protocals
lizardbeth_j wrote The Blessing of Proserpina
ivanolix wrote The Grass is Always Greener
sabaceanbabe wrote A Not So Blank Canvas
lostinapapercup wrote This Could Take All Night
kag523 wrote Chiaroscuro
The winner of the author guessing-game is
rose_griffes, who got 7/12. Rose, you get a brand new sports car, erm, Kara/Sam drabble of your choice. *g* Just give me a prompt.
Now that the authors are revealed, feel free to re-post your stories anywhere you'd like. Thanks again for the great stories.