halloween was fucking legit....
i went to the nintendo power fusion concert.
they open up with ...
panic at the disco!
loved them ^^^^
then boys night out
they were ok....6/10 rating
then motion city soundtrack
one of my favorite bands.... main reason why i went to the concert.
then the starting line
just awesome...old band...but nontheless, kicked ass
then the headlining band...
Fall Out Boy
they ended the night
very nicely...they had songs from all 4 of their cds. they
also had a star wars skit. but i loved the concert....
the moshing was crazy....we made a circle pit, alot of body
surfers, and on top of that....it was very sweaty....basically everyone
ended up smelling like someone else's BO. but i had
fun. note to self...do not bring glasses to concerts....and
always wear shoes. and double knot them.
went to SB and LA this past weekend. damn u steven. LA was fucking awesome.