Jun 09, 2008 09:48
Type your cut contents here.As the title suggests I just wanted to blow off some steam...
Why do people think that ALL stores gift wrap? And when you tell them you don't they get all offended? It is not in my job description to wrap your presents! (although I have been known to help wrap if the person has a good reason for not being able to wrap - ie severe hand cramping arthritis etc) I have gotten asked this so many times in the past two weeks! No I am sorry we do not gift wrap, now please don't get all snippy about it.
Why do people post personal stuff on blogs/forums etc. then get all offended if someone says something about their way/style of life? If you are going to make it public then you are going to have to put up with others opinions right? I mean get upset if someone is rude or nasty but you have offered up your personal life for discussion.
LJ Communities and other forums dedicated to flaming and making fun of other people. Why? WHY?
If you don't have something constructive to say, don't say anything. I am not saying you have to be nice. Be polite. And if you can't be polite or keep your mouth shut, keep it to private messages. Some of the rest of us don't want to read it.
Oh and I HATE SCAMMERS. And I am mad at myself for getting scammed. Because I probably, in at least one case, could have prevented it. But scammers should know, karma is a bitch. They'll get bit on the ass one day............
And I think one more perk about having kids (which I sadly don't have yet), is it gives you, the parent, a "legitimate" reason to play with toys and sit in a kiddie pool. (who am I kidding, if I owned a kiddie pool I'd be in it right now....)