kids & horses

Jun 15, 2007 10:26

It's been a long time since I posted.
Kid #1-is married now and getting ready to go to Africa for 2 friggin years. I think it's a huge mistake but hey, she's an adult now and can make her own decisions. Hopefully they have a way to escape if they dont' like it there.
Kid #2- is still chasing girls but seems to be slowly diggin her way out of debt.
Kid #3- is now in the Air Force National Guard in Texas. There are rumors she may flunk out of boot camp because she can't do enough sit ups. Hopefully she makes it and can finish it would be an awesome career for her!
Kid #4- has finally left the piece of shit that fathered her child and is dating a boy in the Army National Guard. She is trying real hard to get her own place but can't seem to manage her money. The baby is a joy to have around but I must admit he wears us all out.He is a very curious young man who is constantly asking "That?"
Kid #5- is still in Iraq, he is due to come home on leave sometime next week and they have extended his tour over there from August until December. He seems to have matured alot and has different priorities in life.
Kid #6- is chasing girls, getting tickets and having car accidents. He is working full time and so far has been able to take care of his screwups on his own.
Kid #7- my 83 yr old mother in law is doing better, her health seems to be getting better & better. Her dogs are still a pain in the ass. One barks at everyone who moves and the other pees all over the place if you look at her wrong!

The horses are doing wonderful. We sold the stinky mare almost a year ago and have just now managed to merge all three boys in one pasture. In the past Jazz & Fox have fought with thier hooves and Fox had to have stitches so we never put them together. Last week I was taking Jazz into his back pasture and Fox decided to follow him and wouldn't leave! They seem to have come to an understanding and want to be together! It's still odd to go out back and see them huddled together in the shade. Jazz is leaving tomorrow to live with the Amish for a month, they are going to train him to pull a wagon so we can enter him in the local parades and deliver appliances with him. I'm gonna miss the big butthead ALOT!!!

Dana's garden is quickly producing veggies, we have fresh salads a few times a week and are going to have turnip greens tonight...YUM!

We are considering selling the house, land and business and moving to either Colorado, Wyoming or Montana. We need to explore the last two states and see if we like them better than Colorado before making up our mind where we want to retire.
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