but wait, there's more!

Jul 05, 2003 20:22

took a couple of days off last week and now it's a holiday weekend, all this freetime is wundervoll. unfortunately it's hotter than a supernova, and as fiends of mine will not be suprised to read (were they to) i still have no plans to purchase an air con. perhaps it's a subconscious longing for the hot and humid environ in which i was reared or a self punishing guilt for my past failures or just the fact that i'm a cheap bastard or any permutation of the three or what am i on about? anyway, iced coffee and frigid showers seem to be doing the trick so far.

it's sad watching HK slowly become a shadow of its former self. usually i don't let the non stop stream of depressing news get to me, but this is personal! so watch out PRC, pyota is very angry *gnashing teeth*

well i'm off to wash the vile sweat from my body before going to check bella morte. i'll be the one flailing his arms wildly and making these melodramatic tortured expressions which would make robert smith jealous. oh wait, that will be everybody ... nevermind.
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