Sep 09, 2010 01:16
I'm putting this up here as an offer to any who are interested.
Divination Services
I offer a series of divination types, as well as several other eclectic services. I do not charge for these services! Please note that I live in San Diego, Ca, and I currently am on a nights schedule.
Here is a list of services I offer:
Tarot Reading: I do Tarot readings for anyone who requests it. These can be done via appointment or on my own. I can do a general reading or question specific, whatever you are more comfortable with. The Tarot I use is the Dragon Tarot and whatever layout my Netjeri helper and I determine would best answer the question.
Runes: I do rune readings, though this is best suited for specific questions. I use FUTHARK runes in my readings and utilize a standard 3- or 5- rune drawing pattern.
Crystal healing/ Chakra cleansing and Crystal reading: Generally I don't do crystal healing and chakra cleansing unless I have the person with me, but readings can be done at a distance. I use a method developed by me as a teenager that has produced positive results. Also, I have knowledge about crystal reading (Yep, the good ol' fashioned crystal ball- after a fashion.) This can be done via a chat program or on my own.
Herbal remedies: I deal a lot with herbal and holisitic medicine. I can help you choose herbal remedies for specific illnesses and what forms to put them in. Disclaimer: I am not a licsensed practitioner of Ayuvedic herbalism. What I use is based solely on my experiences. Also, please note that herbal medicine is not an appropriate substitute for a visit to the doctor, but should be used in conjunction with modern medicine and medical practices.