Sep 09, 2007 06:24
I've been trying to make a point of it to catch Dr. Who episodes, both on Sci-Fi and BBCA. Of course, now I'm getting them in mixed up order but there were more Rose/Tennant than I thought and though he's still not my favorite, he's grown on me a bit, and I do prefer Billie Piper over the new assistant. I think I miss Christopher Eccleston still, though, even though he was the Doctor for such a short time. I think it was the accent.
Were there two episodes with Cassandra? I just saw one last night that was quite good but I remember seeing part of another one that didn't seem to be the same story as this one. This one was at the New New York City hospital run by felines in Flying Nun costumes. The best part was when Cassandra puts herself into Rose and looks into the mirror for the first time and screams "My God! I'm a chav!"