Jul 14, 2007 19:01
I miss Christopher Eccleston's Dr. Who. I know that much of the reason why I liked his doctor was the Northern accent. I'm still a sucker for it, I'll admit, but I really just love how he said his lines and I liked his smile and I liked the chemistry with Billie Piper. The first time I saw Tennant, I thought it was okay, but it was without the new sidekick. Well, last night was the Shakespeare one and I hated Martha Jones to bits. She was like a British Valley Girl. Yes, it was all new to her in that episode, I know, but Rose handled it much better. . I actually preferred Catherine Tate, and that's saying something, because I think she's only funny and good about 20 % of the time on her own show. If all Tennant is going to do until they cast someone else is act with either narrowed eyes or extremely saucer-shaped wide ones, I'm done. I think they cast Tennant as the latest doctor mainly because he resembles Sylvester McCoy, one of my favorite doctors, in a way...and that's a very long raccoon coat to fill.