Jan 16, 2009 22:05

"My Bloody Valentine" just made the last few hours of my life awesome. Not because it was great movie; I wouldn't even go so far as to call it "good." In fact, the movie is so epically bad, it is damn fantastic. I know, I know...Jensen in a really bad movie--we already know how that goes. Just believe me when I say that if you're an SPN fan then do yourself a favor and grab a fellow Jensen-fangirl, a pair of 3D glasses, and $12 for tickets (holy crap)--you won't be disappointed by how much fun it is.

Just remember to lighten up and be loud with your snarky comments. The acting is bad all around and the script is an absolute joke (see: "I shot him dead!"), so, if anything, your commentary will enhance the experience. Yes, the bad acting includes Jensen but, honestly, it's not like he had a lot to work with. I'm sure he wasn't exactly shooting for an Oscar-worthy performance, so, seriously, just chill and enjoy the badness. :D

(Did I mention there's a preview for "Friday the 13th" as well? Jensen + Jared + Big Screen = WIN.)

why yes i am a fangirl

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