No lj cut cuz I'm lazy :P Weekend wrap up

Oct 23, 2006 14:23

Friday was crazzzzzy!! The agents all had the boot camp in Tampa so it was just me and and Kristina here till while we are up here making calls and listening to music, the downstairs (we work in a bank building) is being robbed!! Turns out the guy had a gun and everything...there was two of them, and luckily they caught them both, but there was about 3 car accidents in the area on the way to finding them...CRAZY!!

Then after I left here I went to my mom's and had lunch with her and my stepdad. Then me and Kent (stepdad) went to the storage again and found the other crib peice, YAY! I went home and cleaned the house after that.

Guy didn't get home till almost 7:30 Friday (He usually gets home between 6:15 and 6:30)...Gotta love accidents on i4!! We ate pizza and then drove to Riverview to pick up this screen door from freecycle since Poochie broke ours...dumb dog!!

Saturday morning we woke up early and went to this community yard sale. I got lots of Pooh stuff for cheap :) I got a really nice lamp with the characters, one of those lamps that spins and reflects images onto the wall, a crib sheet, a big diaper holder and some toys. All Pooh, good condition, and all for $ I was happy.

Then we went to IHOP w/ Kristina, Bobby and Dakota for breakfast. Guy was having a blast with Dakota and Dakota loved him, which was soo cute. He is so excited about having a little boy :)

After that we stopped by Goodwill since it was down the road and got a bunch of Christmas decorations all for under $20.

Then Samantha, Guy's friend from work came over with her sister. They were both sooo nice. We all went to get the kitties their shots and we gave her her two kitties. She loves them :)

Then we ate at Cracker Barrel, and after we were done. We were looking at stuff and they had a big 80% off of course we had to take advantage of that!! We got LOTS of stuff for sooo cheap!! Including the chocolate fudge candle I wanted last time :)

Thennnn we went and got Pumpkins and carved them :) We tried to watch Nightmare Before Christmas after but we both ended up falling asleep and I woke up later to "What's this...". lol.

Sunday we went to Olive Garden for lunch (yeah I know we ate out a lotttt this weekend) and then went to See Texas Chainsaw since Guy had free movie tickets from work :) It was pretty creepy. Then after we came home we watched the original which happened to be on tv.

Oh and the new kitty is sooooo cute!! I was surprised because Saturday night when we went to bed he was downstairs and then I woke up with him on me in the night which means he came all the way up the stairs and climbed all the way into the king size bed to lay with us :) He slept mostly on top of my side while purring ;)

Well well enough writing already, time for PICS :)

The kitties love Guy...notice how small Nacho is compared to the others!!

Lazy asses!!

He is too friggin cute!!

Our pumpkins...the first two I did, the last one Guy did.

front yard

Well hope everyone had a nice weekend :) We should be getting a cold front this week FINALLY :)
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