Supernatural fic recs

Dec 14, 2006 10:09

Yay! I'm posting here again! And I come bearing the gift of three awesome (and very different) SPN fic recs. :)

The Thing About Clowns by dodger_winslow
Wee!Dean character piece, absolutely beautifully done. S2 spoilers up to and including Everbody Loves a Clown R for language I guess.

The Deconstruction of Porn by rinkle
"Dean, it could have been worse; you could have walked in on Dad...You walked in on Dad watching porn? Dude, you have the worst luck ever." S2 spoilers up to and including Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things. Hilarious stuff! Maybe R rated for implied content and the discussion of just what to watch on TV when staying in a cheap motel...

His Own Hell by kantayra_fic m/m slash
John's always hated the demon who destroyed his life, hatred leads to obsessions which leads to...
The author has rated this NC-17 but I would probably give it a hard R really. Yes, it contains slash (not Wincest) and if that's a squick then this isn't for you, but the characterisation is so spot on here - the author weaves in dialogue and references from throughout season one. Just astonishing. S2 spoilers up to and including 2.01 IMToD

And while I'm posting, I'll throw in a request. SPN fic recs, any fic that just makes you step back and go 'yeah'. I'm not particularly a fan of Wincest but if the writing's good enough then I could be swayed... So hit me with your recs. :)

sfw, supernatural, requests, mara_sho, nsfw

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