Yeah, I have a million and one things to do but I'm reading other people's fic instead...
I Will Return To You by
poisontaster. Metallicar POV. Yes, you read that right. 15 rated
Whatever It Takes by
legoline. Lovely cyclical vignette. PG-13 for language. (and while you're there, read everything else she's ever written 'cause, woah!)
So This Is Letting Go (I Don't Like It) by Selena (
frayen). A 'moments' fic, the goodbyes, the letting go. A last line which is just perfect. Rated PG but I'd be tempted to call it PG-13 for sheer angst.
Variations on a Theme of Normalcy by
anonymous_sibyl. Pre-series. Dean's 18 and he doesn't do shame… Rated PG-13 for language.