The PYGS monthly megapost

May 16, 2006 17:38

So it's been a month or so since we opened our doors and the requests and recommendations have been flooding in. Well, kinda flooding. More like pouring, really. Streaming... Okay, trickling. But trickling a lot, alright?! Like a runny nose, even! That much!... Ew.

Here's the month in review.

  • Firefly fics, preferably without any non-canon 'ships (bastardsnow)
  • Batman and/or Superman fics (bastardsnow)
  • Lindsey/Tara fics NOT written by remember_nomore (remember_nomore)
  • Any good Buffy/Xander fics (nemo_gravis)
  • Wesley fics, gen preferably (mara_sho)
  • Illyria fics which explore characterization (mara_sho)
  • Xander/Tara, Buffy/Tara, Xander/Fred, or Tara/Fred (jpublic)
  • A good chicken soup recipe
  • Dr. Who fics, bonus points if Cap'n Jack is in there (mara_sho)
  • Tara fics, bonus points if Lindsey or Spike are in the mix too (remember_nomore)
  • A winning lottery ticket. Failing that, a job where i do nothing but what i want to do, and they pay me shittons of money to do it. Failing that, a peanut butter and jelly sammich. (bastardsnow)
  • Giles/Anya stories (obsessivemuch)
  • A double quarter pounder with cheese, a large order of fries and one of those apple pies. Oh, and a diet coke. (bastardsnow)
  • Some cool long ficcage. Preferably no slash, preferably no turning the baddies into victims. (jpublic)
  • Tara fic, with no Willow. Maybe Tara/Xander? (remember_nomore)
  • Some comedy fic, please? Something that will make me laugh out loud and not care that my boss will hear me. I don't much care about the fandom or pairing or anything like that. I'm just looking for the funny. (mara_sho)
  • Has anybody seen my ability to write, you know... at all? Cuz I'd really like that back (bastardsnow)
  • A solid 8 hours sleep would be fantastic (mara_sho)
  • Grosse Pointe Blanke (...) is one of those crossoverable things, and I would love some stories of Martin before he retired from his job as a professional Assassin. Or just some crossovers. (omegar)
  • A good Tomb Raider/BtVS crossover (rachelmap)
  • Any new Xander-centric fic, het or especially gen (skipp_of_ark)
  • Lindsey/Dru or Tara/Dru (remember_nomore)
  • Xander/Vi, Post-Chosen (swedish15)
  • Any good Ultimate Marvel universe fic (bastardsnow)
  • Spidey/His girlfriend. This can be whoever you choose (MJ, Gwen (AU), Kitty...) as long as it ain't Felicia (swedish15)
  • Ultimates gen-fic (swedish15)
  • Some Oz fic. As in Oz from BTVS. (mymatedave)
  • Sexual favors in exchange for a Grey's Anatomy/House fic where Karev goes to work for House. Or maybe some good X-Files/Twin Peaks fanfic. Heck, any good Twin Peaks fanfic. (
... Yes, that last one is a threat, people. Phear the
Drake *shudders*

  • Autumn, by wisdomeagle is one of my favorite Firefly stories. (invisionary)
  • Have you read anything by hradzka? He's one of my favorite Batman writers. If you have any interest in some good Batman and Wonder Woman angst and UST, then I strongly suggest Escape Artistry. And then I suggest you go to his user info page and just read all of his stories. (hjcallipygian)
  • Chris Dee's Cat Tales. It's focused on Catwoman, but still very much a Bat-story. HUGE and highly recommended. (jpublic)
  • You probably have already read this, but it bears reccing anyway: Seven Day Holiday In The Rain With You by Draxar. (mara_sho)
  • Sunrise. Great fic by darkdyer. (nemo_gravis)
  • Winners(...) It has the best plot twist I've ever read in a piece of fanfiction. (invisionary)
  • Oh, and if you're in the mood for dark, you really should check out Vampire Stories(...) this is a WIP. It's still worth reading - there's hardly any good B/W/Xfic out there and this one definitely fits the bill. (invisionary)
  • draconin has posted the first in a sequence of short (ATS) fics set after Fred died and it so happens that this one is told from Wes's POV. It's really good. (nemo_gravis)
  • Still one of my favorite stories ever - only faintly B/X, but still wonderful. I never miss the chance to rec it - AZARIA. Everyone should read it. (
    Lori Bush)
  • Higher Education and Abandoned Buildings (...) Buffy/Tara/Xander - plausibly done. His original ending wasn't so good, but he fixed it, and it's nice now. (
    Lori Bush)
  • remember_nomore has set up a fic comm for Lindsey fans: lindsey_fic (mara_sho)
  • Do you read Harry Dresden? If you do, you'll probably enjoy Restoration of Faith and this vignette, both written by Jim Butcher (...) Neither is very long, but they're both enjoyable. (bastardsnow)
  • Check out Lori's section of London Calling. Except for the Spike &Giles collection, they're all Giles / Anya pairings. Lori made me the Ganya shipper I am today - her stories are so well-written, and the dialog is spot-on. Lori, who is ljs in LJ-land, has created the Giles/Anya community (gilesanya_fic), and more stories can be found there. (4thdixiechick)
  • If you're in the mood to shop around, the Other people's fanfiction thread over at the Drunkard's Walk forums has a bunch of links to weird and wonderful ficcage. (nemo_gravis)
  • Out of Africa, Part 1 by spikendru (WIP) A burned out Xander leaves Africa & ends up in LA. (4thdixiechick)
  • Black Veil by ljs. This is a Giles / Anya AU, where Anya meets up with Giles in England in season 7. The atmosphere is so creepy and scary and creepy, and I really need to find a synonym for creepy to give ljs her due! The final chapter is here. (4thdixiechick)
  • Man of the World, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 by enigmaticblues (WIP) This is a time-travel story, where Wes from season 5 (after regaining his memories) uses black magic to go back in time to prevent Connor's kidnapping, etc., and to save Fred's life. Timed travel stories are tricky, but this looks great so far! I'm looking forward to seeing all the changes caused by the time travel. (4thdixiechick)
  • The odd Couple by Malcolm Lake (...) new Tara/Xander. Just friendship. (
    Lori Bush)
  • The Chatterbox (The West Wing, Josh/Donna) - "Someone gets what's coming to them" -POV story from Donna's ex-boyfriend, Dr. Freeride. It's incredibly funny and explores karmic payback in an amazing way. (obsessivemuch)
  • The Way the Game is Played (Power Rangers SPD/slight Joan of Arcadia crossover, Sky) - "One game of chess has Sky questioning what he knows about himself." - It's a great character piece and it uses JoA's universe sparingly enough to be believable. (obsessivemuch)
  • Technicolor(Power Rangers Dino Thunder) - "What sort of secrets are hidden in dreams? What truths come out?" - I love dream stories because dreams can often reveal things that people didn't realize about themselves.It's another great character piece. (obsessivemuch)
  • Serpent & Sword - By: strangecreature. I am admittedly megabiased but this is the first fic I've betaed for her and it's a crossover between Lindsey from ATS and Balthazar from Constantine. There are no words to describe and....damnit, just go read.
  • Two-Hundred Years Shameless self pimping. It's a vamp!Tara fic with Lindsey/Tara implied (...) I've been writing Tara since she showed up on Buffy and this has to be my favorite fic. (remember_nomore)
  • New Beginnings Another shameless plug but we all know I love writing Lindsey. Post-Dead End and Pre-Destiny. Lindsey back home in Ok. That poor boy needs some peace. (remember_nomore)
  • Knock one down...four more try to take me down... this is part of a longer fic that I co-write called but is very much a stand alone chapter of what could - and most likely did - happen after Dead End and before the tattoos. (remember_nomore)
  • Outside Humanity by Drake Roberts. It' s a Tara fic centered around the need to save Xander from a curse, with a vague Tara/Spike flavor. (...) an odd little fic, but quite fun to take a look at and with some good lines. (nemo_gravis)
  • Crypt Raider by Verbosity. (mymatedave)
  • Learning Curve, aadler_'s latest Xander-centric fic. Scary good writing. (nemo_gravis)
  • For the Love of,by Andrew Parkinson. WIP, and has been a while (...) a rather dark Dawn/Xander-fic, which starts as X/Vi (...) There are no actual Xander/Vi parts yet, but it was this fic that got me started. (swedish15)
  • The only Xander/Vi I know of is in the Watchers virtual seasons (...) they're not exactly central characters, except when they get their own eps. (jpublic)
  • I have a WIP that features Vi and Xander getting together as the story progress along with an original character I've created. But it's not complete... Hell on Earth: Battlefield Los Angeles. (cyclops698)
A bunch of great ficcage has passed through our pages these past few weeks, huh? Go and check out some of these links, there's some truly wonderful ficcage out there.

Ideas and madness
  • What if 'The Immortal' isn't actually a person, but a title that is handed down, pretty much like the Dread Pirate Roberts persona. And the next person to receive this title is Xander? I was thinking this would happen such that by the time TGIQ happens, its Xander as The Immortal,which would explain a lot of the crap that Angel and Spike went through in the episode but it doesn't have to be that way. (arach_knight)
  • Did you ever have that dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid, with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you? (bastardsnow)
  • BtVS, Xander/Vi, Post-Chosen, after Africa (or maybe in the middle of it), Ballroom dancing, in-joke about Monk.[Felicia Day was in "Mr. Monk Drunk" or whatever the episode was called]. No dark fic, please. No slash, please. (Well, not non-canon slash; Willow/Whoever is no problem.). Maybe fluff, or first meeting after, or established romance, or whatever, as long as I have the happy feeling of X/V-possibility afterward. (swedish15)

Aannnd there you have it. Hope I caught everything. There's also the PYGS meme, if you're in the mood to answer silly and potentially blackmail-material-providing questions, all the wonderful recs our fantabulous members have posted over the past weeks and the ongoing search to improve pygs_lj. Don't hesitate to weigh in with suggestions, recs, requests and general insanity, folks. We're always happy to hear from ya!

/monthly megapost

other, nemo_gravis, requests, challenge

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