Draco/Ginny? D'ems fightin' words!

Apr 01, 2006 12:47

In an effort to demonstrate why we put rule #1 into place here at PYGS, I will now risk my life for your edification.

... Ahem. *clears throat*

Here are a couple of Draco/Ginny recs (Harry Potter fandom):

The Past Didn't Go Anywhere by fearthainn: A iooooge fic, novel length, set in the Wizarding world after the end of the war. It's not HBP compliant, but still a good read if you like some angsty romantic fic with a few vague crimmie overtones.

Dark Directed by fearthainn: Another novel-length D/G fic, this time set in school and just after it, at the height of the Wizarding war. Another romance, a lot more angst and some really good writing all told.

Both of these fics are fun to read, even if you don't like the ship involved, because fearthainn is such a damn good writer.

I will now call your attention to the comments of this post. If you see someone has made a comment, please check it out. You will then understand the necessity for rule one. That is all.

*pulls on protective head gear and checks to make sure he's wearing his armor plated underwear*

sfw, nemo_gravis, hp

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