Jan 20, 2007 18:26
how does it happen?
how do i always end up filling some sort of secretary role with my friends? just because i remember peoples plans almost to the point of stalkerhood, should not automatically put me in that role. i hate that role. but it's so hard to get out of because people don't believe me when i say i don't know. i suppose it's a good quality to have, a good memory for dates and times, but it's so aggrivating being that person.
it always happens too. always always. and i hate hate hate it.
the funny thing is, no one, fucking NO ONE, bombards other people with a constant stream of questions about me. never is it "where's olivia?" "why isn't liv here?" blah blah blah.
oh well, whatever.
my mom sent up a package for me. birthday present from my grandparents and my new id! yay! should arrive either monday or tuesday. frickin' awesome... hopefully she'll be able to take a day off around my birthday to come see me. it would be pretty awesome.
my supervisor might get placed on a jury for a trial that last three months, which would both suck and be awesome at the same time. i'd be in charge, but i'd be in charge of everything. and i'd have to clean beach lab on my days off. boooo!
oh well, life is good.