I'm bored, so I visited tickle for the first time in a while and had computers assess my personality. I started to take the "which tv family are you" quiz, but NONE of the answers fit. Anway, the rest are below.
Which Animated Show Are You?My Result:
Family Guy
What's so funny? Well, you are. No matter how serious things get, you'll be there to lighten the load. From sophisticated sarcasm to fart jokes, you could make anyone from Victoria Beckham to Dick Cheney crack a smile. Easygoing and popular, you're content to go with the flow and let the good times roll.
Of course, you can get bummed out just like everyone else, but it won't be long until you find something else to smile about. Who cares where you get your high spirits? The most important thing is that you share 'em.
What are you?
http://web.tickle.com/jumpto?test=animatedshowogt&c=50652 This one was wierd, considering it's not even the right house.
Which Harry Potter Character Are You?My Result:
Harry Potter
Who else has what it takes to be the star of the show? While you can occasionally fly off the handle just a little or take things a bit too far, you're usually good as goblin blood. It's not that you look for trouble - it just ends up finding you.
It seems like you should be pretty full of yourself, but you keep it all in check. In fact, a little birdie told us (well, it was actually an owl) that you're not always the most confident person, but you believe in yourself when it really matters. You might not have the wand or spell books quite yet, but you've got the support of your friends until you visit Diagon Alley.
What are you?
Are You a Pirate or a Ninja?My Result:
Hee-yah! Strong, silent, deadly - that's you! You do your best work under cover of darkness. Kicking butt and taking names on the night shift? Staying up 'til dawn killing time on the internet? Cutting off heads and flipping out all the time? Maybe not. But whatever, no matter what, you're always ready for action. You let your actions speak for themselves, and what they're saying is usually pretty killer.
It's easy to picture you hiding in the trees for hours at a time, flying through the air to uppercut the bad guy, or maybe just stealthily replacing the toilet paper when it runs out. You're that kind of awesome. People look up to you - sometimes literally - because you're so cool (by cool, we mean totally sweet) and always the life of the party, especially with those skin-tight pants and deadly dance moves.
What are you?
http://web.tickle.com/jumpto?test=pirateorninjaogt&c=50652 Also wierd, cosidering I used to LO-athe this game.
What's Your Video Game Match?My Result:
Guitar Hero
Sitting on a couch, hunched over and playing another tired video game? That's so not your style. Even when you're just vegging out, you'd rather use your creative skills to rock out at the same time (and anything that gets you moving is an added bonus). You usually jump at the chance to try something inspiring or original, and Guitar Hero is guaranteed to satisfy that urge.
Whether you're headed to a karaoke bar, an art show, or a concert, you can't hide your love of all things artistic and musical. And more than just getting the satisfaction of a gig well played, in Guitar Hero you can live the fantasy of being center stage whether you're a wallflower in real life or not. Get into the game - you'll be a rock star in no time!
What are you?
http://web.tickle.com/jumpto?test=videogameogt&c=50652 ~Matt