(no subject)

Jun 19, 2005 12:38

chronological secondary school memories:

+ the embarassing hardcore days of semi-goth and slipknot
+ fiend - the first relationship and one i will continue to treasure
+ religion class with cvetan and the beginning of new friendships
+ the t-shirt stand and all the summer memories
+ tapes and the entire episode of tapes
+ the appearance of deathcrush at cafe night
+ weekly wednesday mcdonald's adventures with konstantine
+ the international baccalaureate program and my departure from it
+ vestigia promotions and the masonic lodge
+ relay for life and all the organization time prior to
+ my odd infatuation with a staff member of the school
+ tanzen and the few shows we played together
+ the occasional parties and the intoxicated entertainment
+ rockstock, my rendition of white rabbit, and my loathing for a certain teacher
+ the latino boy and the twenty five years threatened
+ california and all the horror and love that came with it
+ the fall and decline of my academic life
+ the military man and the shock of the relationship
+ the countless concerts and shows i attended with everybody over the years

i am certain there are more than this. much more.
in time, i shall remember these moments in time and add them to this list.
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