we're all mad here. i'm mad. you're mad.

Mar 20, 2005 22:58

a journey into a world of slumber awaits. prior to this eventual adventure, i have chosen to compose an entry apropos the current events of my rather drab life. i apologize in advance for the absurdities which may lay in the following post as my state of lethargy has resulted in my recent inanity.

slumber did not befriend me friday evening as i attempted to grasp it with the hint of energy that prevailed in my body. i slipped into a comatose state following the luminous sunrise and was awoken soon after by the reverberations of a ghastly cellular ring. religions aspired to acquire a novelty strap for his recently purchased bass guitar. we ventured to walter's music in search of this product and we departed the mall shortly for the necessary dosage of pita. as expected and desired, the treasured employee was at his post and we engaged in a conversation with the humourous young man. religions informed me of his informal curfew due to a family dinner and we exited the nutsy.

a domiciliary dinner had been an event of absence during the preceding week. frivolous spending coupled with my gourmand lifestyle had been a result of this and i was overcome with a sense of relief and familial comfort while being seated at the table. the rich scent of oriental dining became familiar once more and i indulged in the culinary skills of the blessed parentals. soon after the rather silent refection, i journeyed to fiend's. a nimiety of heat encompassed his dilapidated basement as a result of the powered sauna, an abundance of candles and intoxicated vapour. the thermal atmosphere procured a sense of dormancy and i realized that my frail bones could take no more. i quickly ventured home to my personal heap of blankets in search of everlasting slumber.

employment consumed the better half of the final day of the break. it was a rather bland sunday with little amusement or antics. galileo attempted to contact me via cellular phone; however, i had neglected the vibrations emitted from the cursed telephone throughout the day. his efforts indicate that he may be in a rather dangerous situation. i suspect this due to his quotidian lack of initiative. towards the conclusion of my shift, i was cursed with a throbbing stomach pain and i attempted to relieve myself of the discomfort through the evasion of my employment duties. i merely engaged in the security and maintenance duties while performing simple tasks. despite my efforts, my stomach continued to suffer.

i returned home only to sprawl across the kitchen floor moaning and groaning concerning the physical agony. my mother recommended an antacid to rid of my torment. this antacid was to be added to a liquidous substance for consumption. as i dreaded the taste of antacid upon my tongue, i attempted to be clever by blending the medication with an appetizing bottle of fruit punch. unfortunately, it resulted in a rather horrendous beverage and the combination proved to be quite lachrymose. peering at the antacid bottle out of curiosity and regret, i came across a relatively interesting number - the expiry date. it seems the antacid had expired nearly six years ago and i was, naturally, disgusted. my mother merely chuckled and advised me to begin the hunt for an additional bottle of antacid. i must admit, i was neither impressed nor pleased with the incident.

out of courtesy, i attended dinner with the family unit shortly after. my mother discussed pecuniary details with me as she lectured me on my finance plans and budgeting. i simply assented to all that was said out of fatigue.

now, due to my continuous laguorousness, i conclude this entry. if i am cured of this illness by dawn, i shall be entering an alternate world of torment - a mental agonizing state caused by an informal prison system.
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