but what armour is there against fate?

Feb 15, 2005 16:35

nominally catholic, i feel absolutely terrible for my unintended nap.
today, during a mass led by the cruel monsignor, i dozed off into my dream world.
due to this sinful act, i refused the eucharist for the day.
i decided jesus would not like to be eaten following my lack of loyalty.

economics was absolutely dreary and mind-numbing today.
i have no interest in the free market economy or the commany economy.
i am rarely intrigued by canada's gdp and thriving capitalism.
though i did apply for commerce, i suppose this was a mistake.
it seems i am not set out for this finance oriented world.

classical civilizations, even with the absence of mufasa and konstantine, proved entertaining.
the mycenaean age is fascinating as is the homeric society.
i am to complete a homeric essay for this tuesday concerning the gods and the ancient greek life.
i believe, although seemingly odd, that this assignment may be the academic highlight of my weekend.

lunch in the middle of class is absolutely terrible.
this 3b lunch is a curse and it feels like a pressured break more so than a proper lunch.
the cafetorium is infested daily with immature fourteen year olds who lack common sense.
they pollute the floors with their wrappers and gum and laugh at the garbage they have created.
i see no humour in the waste they have caused and i see only an upcoming backhand if it continues.

fourth period, world issues, is still a class with seemingly no purpose.
the teacher, however, has been entertaining with his tales of glory.
he enlightened us with his blind date experience and his stories of women in the past.
if he were not so flamboyant, i think i would marry him.
apparently, he is engaged to an asian woman already - perhaps he's got the yellow plague.

fiend telephoned me afterschool concerning plans for an upcoming show.
he desires his band, cruden breakfastsas, to perform sometime in the near future.
he is urging me to organize the deca showdown event for this year;
however, following rockstock, i believe i have had enough of show organization within the school.
if there are any organized and optimistic volunteers, i will be glad to hand them this reponsibility.
i cannot take on this unnecessary stress prior to the midterms for second semester.
also, with my departure to anaheim, i will be preoccupied with the ccp project for the competition.

now, i depart for economics and webcam bonanza fun.
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