Originally published at
Short Attention Span Girl. You can comment here or
Now that ‘woot’ has made it into the dictionary, I can safely use it without reprisals.
But the real purpose of this post is to share the news that my
Etsy shop is now open and I’ve sold 9 buttons to 4 different people. Whee!
I’m still in the process of uploading more and more buttons (I have hundreds, and the Etsy listing process is quite a chore). So keep checking back to see what gets added. Plus, my prices will go up once I figure out how much to charge, so take advantage of my cluelessness while it lasts.
Oh! And check out the new look of my blog. This may change from time to time as I try out different looks, or when I get sick of a particular look.
I’m also looking into migrating to a new host (Doodlekit), which seems very friendly to me and has all the features I’ll be wanting (shopping cart, etc.). I’m not sure if that means my Wordpress blog (which you see right now) will go away or not. I’m still an idiot about all this stuff and don’t know if I can just move Wordpress over or what, but that’ll get sorted out in time. I’d like to keep the functionality of Wordpress where my blog is concerned, but I’m not sure about all the technical stuff it would entail.
I wonder why I resist writing blog entries so much. Once I’m here, I just can’t seem to shut myself up. It’s just the idea of logging in and finding something worthwhile to write about that’s daunting. I’m still hung up on the idea that every post has to be a work of art with a theme, motif, plot, and fascinating characterization. But it’s not like I’m getting paid to do this, so I can write whatever I feel like writing.
I guess I should get back to work. It’s crushing me, along with my Zonta responsibilities, because I don’t want to do either of those. All I want to do is work on my Empire, but there’s so little time, and when I do have time, I don’t have the tools I need (Photoshop, etc.).
Only 118 days until I get my laptop, and then there’ll be no stopping me. Until then, I’ll have to focus on doing the things I can do now and stop dwelling on what I wish I could be doing now.