Jul 26, 2012 17:07
Today I received the first email from my new batch job. Each day it throws away the hourly stock quotes I got from Schwab and replaces them with more accurate quotes from barchart.com, to prevent "drift" in my technical indicators. Because Barchart delays their data by 15 minutes, and sometimes there are "price corrections" a few minutes after 4pm, I have the batch job running at 4:20 pm. *snerk*
And why do I have to do this? Because Schwab gives "real-time" quotes, while I want "top-of-hour" quotes from several seconds earlier. Schwab offers those, but not to robots (their website is carefully coded to make it difficult to extract this data). Stockcharts.com offers top-of-hour data, but not to robots (terms of service say "no bots"). Barchart offers this data, with a delay. It's a conspiracy to ensure that I can't get the numbers I need when I need them!
And... *still* no capacitor! USPS says it left their country ten days ago.