If people would just return to the 'two sleeps' pattern of their ancestors, that would save energy (we'd go to bed earlier), increase the birth rate (nothing else to do between the two sleeps), and increase environmentalism (by bringing us back into tune with Nature). The reason why 'two sleeps' is never mentioned in the Bible is because the House of Borgia demanded that it be expunged from all extant copies in order to increase candle sales. Cancer, shyness, and nominalism are all side-effects of the unnatural 8-hours-in-a-row sleep pattern. Also, squat toilets.
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If the European Central Bank is actually intending to do an illegal bailout by printing up Euros and "loaning" them to Spanish banks, accepting
gum wrappers and bits of string as the collateral, then which country will experience the resulting food riots? Last time it was Algeria.
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My URTY model triggered! Since March 26th, my robot has woken up every hour, checked the stock market, and then asked itself: "Is it time to buy URTY yet?" And every hour - 436 times in a row! - the answer has been "No." Until 11am this morning, when the answer was "Yes". I was shocked. Shocked, I tell you! The URTY model is designed to detect periods of inflation due to stealth money-printing by central banksters. Unfortunately, it is wrong about ⅓ of the time. We shall see. When it's wrong, the robot will usually sell at a loss within a week.