May 1st

May 01, 2006 09:53

Well today is May 1st, or what I would like to call it Shukaydou's Day off. Here's a nugget of wisdom (IMO) that the internet sometimes provides, about today.

"I see this whole thing relatively. Pretend that there is a man that is living between minimum wage and bankruptcy. His house is shit, and he can't do anything about his life because he has a small family to feed. One day, he happens across a fairly large house that has been abandoned on the market. The man moves his whole family into this house, and they spend a few years here. The family spruces up the place with their newly unburdened budget (inside and out, turning a ghost house into a nice addition to the neighborhood), and they quickly become comfortable. To get around the whole lack of electricity and water, they learn to watch their neighbors' TV through the window and use the hot showers at the local YMCA. It's no dream life, but it's better than it was before.

One day, the realtors that own the property find out about the man's family, and they call the police. The paddywagons roll in, ready to arrest the family for gross trespassing. However, the family, despite knowingly breaking into someone else's house and using it as their own, claims that they deserve to live in the house because of all the effort and whatnot that they put into it. They claim that they could not buy the house, like anyone else in the area had, but that they still had the right to stay. In fact, the idea of punishing these people for their crimes was outrageous, because who are the realtors to tell them what to do on their own property?

Now mulitply this by a million."
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