The life and times of number one 3 times.

May 14, 2008 10:45

I gotta admit, lately I've been playing a boatload (A Tugboat) of games and whatnot lately.So many that I don't know which ones I want to stop playing for a bit and just pick up another, or play all at the same time, or blah.

Just recently I started replaying Final Fantasy XII. I played it 2 years ago and got like 40% into the game or so then dropped it 'cuz the rental date went up, never picked it back up til just a couple days ago.

I gotta say, I do like this one. It's got a good setting, I like the characters, and I just plain think the "new" combat system is pimp. The license system is pretty neat too, but I've noticed I've been making a lot of the characters the same. So far it hasn't been a problem game-wise, but I still feel a bit uncomfortable with certain guys having no specific role.

Beyond FFXII though, I've been playing and beating Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2. I'm taking a break 'til I get to 3, I played it and it was "'eh" so far but we'll see. MGS4 looks sweet, Raiden is looking pretty slick.

Not to mention I was replaying GU as well, I stopped right before the end of the first one since I got the 3 MGS games.

...And Zelda, and Metroid Prime 3, and SSBB (Though seriously, there's nothing left for me to do with SSBB.).

In non video game sense I got the Star Wars Saga Edition book finally in the mail yesterday. God I wanna play it xD. This has got to be the BEST D20 book I've ever seen/owned. I mean... wow. Now if I can only ever get a group up again >.>.

As stated in my last post, a week and 6 days ago was my B-Day and I can honestly admit again that that hailed some pretty nice gifts. My total loot was Edward the Great: Iron Maiden's Greatest Hits, an iPod Nano (This made me practically drop the load.), 2 packs of WoW TCG, MGS 1-3, this awesome card that plays the Star Wars theme when you open it, and the Star Wars book and 2 volumes of Chrono Crusade.

Since then I've gotten my ID and whatnot and am patching some stuff up in my life, trying to figure out how/what I wanna do to execute them. Sooo life seems to be actually lookin' up for thee.

Incidentally, if you haven't had the Steakhouse Burger from Burger King, get one. Jesus on ice that's good.


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