hello ma lj peeps!!1! *snugz on yall(
been for ever i know. lol!! now i use myspace + pounced alot more than Lj
so whats been up 4 ur favorite fox?? (ME!!!lol)
scritchyfox and me borke up at FC. :( i Know i kepts aying we;re for ever,...but.. he i found out he wuz yififng somefur called Erikawolf. (A GuRRRRL! EEEweewew!)) lol jking girlz are kewl!!
But its liek she makes con bages and stuff...... so i think hes just bein a fanboi...
aND SHES A PASWSLUT! you heard me!!!!
now he sayz he;s moving to yipslanty (sp??) w is to be with her.
the uiniverse hates me... i might as well DIE. (jking i lurv ma PEEPS to much!!!1!)
Oh 1 more thing!
i moved out of my parents' house!!. AYAAAYAAYAYAY! i;m living in brantford now, hopin' t'mmeet some local furries for moviesa dn stuff... any ah peeps from the big b-ford?