A year of living...

Dec 29, 2011 15:38

In 2011, I turned 37 years old. I celebrated my 12th wedding anniversary. I seem to have formally declared myself an enemy of personal prosperity, totally avoiding, once more, gainful corporate employment in favour of bumbling around as a reporter.

There were moments of breathtaking beauty, momentary scenes spotted spinning down country roads on my way to a photo or an interview.

My daughters are a joy and a blessing.

They are becoming the people they will be, in a changing world and a very odd household. But they are happy, curious. They are never afraid of the dark. That amazes me. They aren't afraid of monsters under the bed or demons in the closet.

There were a few setbacks, but I snap my fingers at them, sir!

I am an uncle, for the second time...

...and a third time!

My wife surprises me, almost every day. I love her very much.

We brought a new person into our life. I hope she knows just how much we appreciate her and love her.

New things need attention. Parenting, mates, work, house, friends. I was tired a lot, this past year. But also much happier.

There were rocketships! Those helped.

Friends recharge me. That helps a lot.

It was a year of novelty and exploration.

My private weirdness became very public indeed!

It was a year of saints and wonders.

Of colour and shadow.

Sunshine and serenity.

I felt oddly touched by public loss.

Old friends became better friends.

We challenged our families, and were happy (though not surprised) by their support.

Sometimes I worked very hard indeed.

But there was also time for rest and solitude.

I think, on the balance, 2011 was a good year. I know it was not for others. I know I failed in many ways. But, looking back, I remember only the bright moments above all, "...those moments of unmixed happiness of which, if we seek them, there are ever some to cheer our transitory existence here. There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast."

family, poly, life

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