Dec 10, 2005 10:37
Okay, I haven't been on here in awhile. I'm now a "Maple Story Addict" and on Gaiaonline every so often. Well, not only that, but I'm literally booked with homework....and it's painful. DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH THOSE DAMN PAPERCUTS HURT!?!?!
But yea, no more counselor for me. She was just kinda...erm..."money-hungry." All she did was point out the obvious and then schedule appointments and forget to tell us about them. Yea...bitch.
As most of you all know, Phillip and I split. He' almost everything ends up as...technically my younger brother now. ._.; WHY MUST I ALWAYS TAKE IN SIBLINGS!?! It's a sign! =O I'll never have children and adopt instead. Although...that has NOTHING to do with brothers and sisters....Right.
School is goin' alright. Made an 80% on my AP Chemistry test, and that's a B. *whee* And I found out I have a 96% average in Algebra II. Roxors Babeh. ( keyboard is dirty) I don't wanna know what my average in Art is....It's probably an A as usual since I've got some extra credit in there...AP Chemistry is what I should be worrying about.
Started on the Quilt Trail Project in Art. Charley had like...a mental breakthrough while trying to figure out the measurements of the grid. He screamed "OH MY GOD!" and one of the other guy's working in airbrushing awas like, "By George, I think he's got it! He had a mentalbreakthrough!" Funny Stuff. xD We probably won't have this project done before Christmas Break since we only have 2 more days to work on it.
Sorry JenJen and everyone down in CS. D= I won't be able to make is down this year...I think. Unless I can convince my dad to drive me down there...maybe even my grandmother. My mom left Thursday morning for Florida and I couldn't go. I have Semester testing. >-< Adv. English 11 is Monday, and AP Chemistry Semester test is sometime next week. Plus, I had an Algebra II test, and art project due Monday, and a Lab Book evaluation thingy due Monday. ADVANCED SUCKS! I do miss all yous guys down there though. Much loves. <3 "love-life." (Jen, you love this stuff, so I just hafta put it in here since it's "oh-so interesting.") I'm this guy. I met him at the bookstore at one of those card meetings. I used to go sometimes just to talk to him (this was about..a year ago). Charley and I got him into Maple Story, and I talk to him on there all of the time. He told me he liked me a couple of weeks ago and asked me out on a date. Last weekend for his birthday, we went to see AeonFlux. We also hung around the mall in the arcade. When we dropped him off at home, he hugged me and he tried to walk away with me. Lol. we have another date...actually scehduled for today. I have to call him at 2pm to wake his ass up. xD He's really nice. my grandmother says he looks like one of the Beatle's only with brown hair and blue eyes. (gotta love the blue) He's really skinny though...he's trying to gain weight. He drinks Ensure...that old people drink thingy... I call him and old man. =O Even though he's younger than me and a sophmore. He goes to the "rival" school to Daniel Boone, which is ironically called Davy Crockett. (all you people in Florida, go ahead, laugh your asses off. It's a hick thing.)
He makes A's, and actually going into advanced classes next year. He told me he wants to be a lawyer, or something big like that. (brownie points for my parents) The other night he called me while I was at my grandparents house and we talked 45 minutes? I dunno, I wasn't really keeping track. He was at a friend's house. Then I was going to bed at 9pm so I could go to school early and try and finish my Alg. II homework (which I still haven't done, it was due Friday, just didn't turn it in. I've become a real slacker.) I'm about half-asleep and my phone rings. Yea, it was less than 40 degrees and raining outside and the idiot was outside on his grandmother's front porch calling me. Also, it was really dark outside.
"Why are you calling me...OUTSIDE?"
"Because the reception sucks inside."
"But it's raining."
"I'm on the porch, I'm not getting wet."
"Aren't you cold?"
"Not really. I'm in a light hoody and I'm fine."
"Well, I'm in bed and have two layers of quilts and in pajamas. Nyeh~"
"Not fair."
"Then get smart, go inside and get the car keys, go into the car, turn on the car and put the heater on. That's what smart people do."
He goes and does exactly that. We just talked until about 10:15pm (for those who are mathematically challenged, that's an hour and 15 minutes...if you're time challenged...then I don't know how to help you). He's a really nice guy...^-^ But I kinda can't get involved in a relationship...He knows that...but I still..*ahem* like him. He knows how violent I am sometimes (I'm really abusive and all of my friends know that) and we were talking about that. On our last date, we went to the arcade and played air hockey. He hit the puck too hard and it flung up and hit me in the chest. x_x; I got him for that. Back to what I was saying before, I was telling him I have a sensitive side too, m very huggable, and I can be very cuddly...but mostly when I'm really tired. He told me to stay up really late and stay tired all day today. xD Last night on Maple Story he said "Hi cuddable person :D" Cuddable isn't a word. O_o; Is it? I think we're going to plan to see a movie at least every weekend, or just see each other. Next week, King Kong comes out so we wanna see that. I think we're going to see Narnia tonight...and if my dad tags along, we were gonna change our mind and see Chicken Little. Lol....I was thinking CHicken Little would be better...since...nobody would really be in the theater...(kekekekeke) I'm j/k. You all know I'm not like that...or am I? *ninja* Nah, I haven't even gotten my first kiss yet, gawrsh. xD
Wish me luck. ;D And if I don't update sooner, Happy Holidays everyone!
Quote Of The Entry
"Let's just say that if complete and utter chaos were lightning, then he'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armor and shouting 'All gods are bastards.'"
- Rincewind (The Color Of Magic by Terry Pratchett)