Feb 21, 2006 09:43
okay...so the updating everyday thing didnt work...*sigh* first day..bu it wasnt my fault! my mom was FULL yelling at to do my assignments! never mind that ts due NEXT week ><. so we had a lovely screaming fest.
so now im in society and culture taking a *break* from my work. shuttup. i WAS doing it! i think ive done quite a bit. unless i look a yana...who i can see from here and her pageS are FILLED!! ><
swimming carnival yesterday. major fun =) harshi is an idiot for not coming. played 'texas hold em' which was heaps fun. esp with mel who is nuts about keeping her "money". very amusing.
then started a mass game of mafia. with lindy yelling at everyone to shut up and listen while she explained. [i exaggerate..she wasnt screaming that much] was gmae master for a while then started playing...jill sucks at lying. so its completely obvious when shes the mafia...
got yelled at to watch the year 12 race on funny pool floaty things...amusing shark =)
then sat and watched the relays while read the "top 200 artists of" something. i think it was last 20 yrs?
haha. trish is trying to comment on lindys blog. trying for a second time...but i told her it dusnt work so *shrug* i think shes gna copy it somewhere else...
on that subject...CHANGE THE PHOTO FOR THE SWIMMING CARNIVAL!!! and delete the crappy ones u took!!! ><
back to carnival...cheered for the 16s race [lisa ye] and the 17s [mone, siob]
conrats to lisa ye for age champion. =) and to suttor for coming first ><. meehan came 3rd...atleast we're better than huges =)
so bused home. after "talking" to my dad. bus was early so went to oakhill. 2nd time since term started...met the new guy, rohit...funny lindy =)
got home early ate DELICIOUS chocolate cake and went up. tried to find my gc music which i CANT FIND!!!! >< must look harder...but i got distracted by my ais yearbooks...so started reading the 1999 one...some of the teachers look WAAAAY dif then what i remembered...
looked at my watch at 5:20 and realised im meant to catch my us at 5:15. yep. i forgot ><. so begged my dad to take me..so left at 5.35 and actually reached my class on time.
missed class on sat, and found out i had to flip a girl over my shoulder. luckily i got a really small person. but shes prob gna end up with a hole in her head...
normal jazz/hiphop teacher was away [hahaha. trish did a funny dance] so we had a sub. who was 20. and REALLY didnt know that much. so we streched a bit and did the routine a million times coz she culdnt add on...
same thing happened in hiphop...and i know why my back was hurting! its not coz of swing its coz of the constant head up, headdown bits in the dances!
then we got out and my ballet teacher/owner of the school was standing ouside and pulling people out telling them to go itno the room outside. she was ohnly pulling out ppl that had been going to school previously..none of the new kids. me and another girl were the only ones not to get pulled out and we figured they were getting yelled at coz one of the moms went up and ashley was crying...which is really weird coz half those girls wernt doing anything wrong...it was mainly the new kids who were ALWAYS talking and whispering about how the routine was stpid. and how wierd we looked. which was funny coz we were whispering the same thing last week...
came home..."yelled with my mom and came up to clean my room. *sigh* i hate cleaning. it seems i am permanently cleaning. and ud think id have to time to make a mess then...but nope...good news is i slept on my bed..
worked on society and culture for a bit and then went to watch desperate housewives =). i really like john [jesse metcalf] sad to see him go...
watched a bit of supernatural...got creeped out and taped it instead so i went on the net instead...
so yep. thats about it...
bells about to go anyway...and i have to send the work ive done so i can do more at home...[see! i have worked!]
ouch. jays contact ripped in half...so now shes prob gna have to go home...
school::swimming carnival,